Are you ready for Plastic Free July 2024?

Medical items on top of planet Earth - Plastic Free July 2024, Plastics and Your Health
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Are you ready for Plastic Free July 2024?

Plastic Free July 2024 is almost here. Again this year, I’ve put together a free downloadable and printable calendar of simple plastic-free swaps. I hope you’ll join me in rethinking your relationship with plastic this July. The health of the planet, and even your own health, depends on it.  

<Insert Plastic Free July logo>

About Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of ordinary people be part of the solution to plastic pollution. Since starting out in Australia in 2011, the movement has grown significantly. Over the last five years, participants have collectively avoided 1.4 billion kilograms of plastic waste. (Source: Plastic Free July Impact Report 2023)

The theme for Plastic Free July 2024 is “Small Steps, Big Difference”.

Pinterest optimized image: Plastic Free July calendar, Planet Earth surrounded by medical items.

What will it take to change behaviour?        

It’s clear that humans are still addicted to convenience, especially the convenience of plastic. Despite all the attention on the impact of single-use plastic on our planet, plastic production continues to rise with no end in sight.

What will it take to collectively change behaviour? If the health of the planet isn’t motivation enough to get people to change their habits, will the risk to their personal health be the thing that pushes them to act?

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Plastic and your health

I’ve written before about microplastics and the risk they pose to our health. Lars, from Shop Without Plastic, recently shared a blog post that showed the sheer magnitude of the problem.

Just scrolling through the list of health issues linked to plastics is shocking. The chemicals in plastics have been linked to everything from cancer to heart disease to digestive issues. These toxic chemicals also affect our skin, our sleep and our mental health. Further, they’ve been linked to miscarriage, birth defects and fetal death.

But not only the planet is suffering from plastic pollution. It also affects human health. Especially during the last 10 years, more and more studies have been painting a worrying picture about the hidden threat behind plastic.

Lars, Shop Without Plastic

I encourage you to take a look at How Plastic Poisons the Body: This Massive Database Reveals it All (2024). Just scanning the list of potential health issues will open your eyes to the seriousness of our plastic problem. After you read the article, think about what you can do this Plastic Free July to reduce your risk. It will do you, and the planet, good.

Download your Plastic Free July 2024 calendar

If you’re ready to get to work on protecting your health starting in Plastic Free July 2024, click the link below to download your calendar. Then consider what small steps you can take for the good of your health. You don’t have to do it all. Start with one or two changes a week and go from there.

July 2024 calendar showing plastic-free swaps

Together, we can reduce our health risk and make a difference for our planet. Let’s start now!

What changes will you make this Plastic Free July 2024 to reduce your health risk from chemicals in plastic? Let me know your thoughts below.

Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

4 thoughts on “Are you ready for Plastic Free July 2024?

  1. I’ve been using a reusable metal water bottle for well over a decade, and always use my backpack and an extra bag for life (that I’ve also been using for over a decade). Where I can’t avoid plastic is with food from the supermarket. Almost everything is wrapped in plastic

I'd love to hear your ideas. Drop me a comment below.

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