5 years of blogging and still loving it

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5 years of blogging and still loving it

I mentioned in an earlier post that July is a month of milestones. In addition to our 30th anniversary and my 60th birthday, I celebrated my 5th “blogiversary” last week. It felt appropriate to share some thoughts on my 5 years of blogging, along with a roundup of highlights of the past year.

I can’t believe it has been 5 years

When I nervously pressed Publish on that first blog post, I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t know anything about SEO, feature photos, alt text, tags, categories, headline analyzers, or any of the other things that are now so automatic when I publish a new post. And I’m pretty sure AI felt like something from a science-fiction movie.

In July 2019, I also had no idea if anyone would read my posts or subscribe to my blog. And I wasn’t thinking far enough ahead to wonder if I’d still be blogging five years later. Yet here I am.  

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5 reasons I’m still blogging

A few weeks ago, someone asked me what I get out of blogging. It’s a good question and one that I think only a fellow blogger would really understand the answer to. As I thought about it, I came up with 5 reasons I’m still blogging.

  • My blog is a creative outlet and a way to make sense of my thoughts and ideas. And unlike my other creative endeavours like singing, it’s something I don’t need to depend on others to do with me.
  • Even after 5 years of blogging, there’s always something new to learn.
  • Blogging helps me improve my writing skills which has opened the door to some exciting writing projects.
  • Unlike most other online forums, the blogging community is friendly, supportive, and welcoming.
  • My blog is a way to record the stories and highlights of my life. As I get older, I realize how precious those stories are.

5 highlights of year 5

It’s always fun to look back over the last year. Here are 5 highlights of year 5.

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5 favourite posts of the last year

I do look at my blog stats, but I don’t obsess about them. I could chase numbers by writing click-baity posts about trendy topics that don’t really interest me. But I prefer to write content that means something to me and will appeal to my core audience. With that in mind, here are five favourite posts from year five.

Writing this type of post always raises the question, “What’s next?” Now that I’m retired from my full-time job, I have more time to write and explore different writing projects. In addition to regular posts here on Boomer Eco Crusader, I’m working on a book project and planning to start a retirement coaching blog.

I’ll wrap up with a big Thank You to you for reading and supporting my blog. I love the engagement and truly appreciate every view, like and share. I wouldn’t have made it to 5 years of blogging without you.

What type of content do you enjoy reading on my blog? Drop me a comment below to let me know.

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Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

27 thoughts on “5 years of blogging and still loving it

  1. Kudos, Michelle! My fave posts include your mentioning the progress you’ve made when you set goals. I find that very inspiring. And I agree about the kindness of our blogging community. What would we do without the goodwill and support of others?! 🙂

  2. Woo hoo! Congratulations on your Five-Year Blogging Anniversary, Michelle! I am so incredibly proud of you and the phenomenal blog you have created! You are an inspiration to me every day! Cher xoxoxo

    1. Thank you Cher! You inspired me to do this and you were such a big help to me in getting my website up and running. Thank you for that! Hard to believe it has been 5 years. 💚

  3. Congratulations on 5 years, that is quite the milestone.

    I am so impressed that you have kept up your schedule so well. Your success is well-deserved!

  4. Congratulations on your 5 year blog-aversary! That’s a milestone of commitment, perseverance and growth. As someone who has been blogging for only a year and a half, I appreciate your list of reasons to keep on blogging. It’s inspiring!

    1. Thank you Caroline. It’s hard to believe it has been five years. As I work through cleaning up and refreshing my older posts, I see how far I’ve come as a writer.

  5. Congratulations, Michelle. Your post hits the same reasons I like to blog. So many other social media sites are phony, judgmental, or havens for trolls. I get none of that here. We started blogging around the same time.

    1. Thank you Pete. Yes, I am always grateful for our wonderful community of creatives here. It’s wonderful to be able to have thoughtful conversation.

  6. Congratulations, Michelle! Thank you for providing your readers with meaningful content, delivered with that special dash of Michelle goodness. Appreciate you! 🥰

    1. Thanks so much for being a loyal reader, Vicki! Sorry for the delay in replying. For some reason your comment got buried amid a bunch of spam comments.

  7. Glad blogging is something you enjoy Michelle! You have a well-rounded blog with lots to say so keep at it 🙂

    My interest in writing is waning as each year goes by but I’ve been writing for close to 20 years. I’m finding that I would really rather just read and comment more than anything.

    1. Thank you Deb! I do wonder how long I’ll keep up the motivation. Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with reading, commenting, and writing the odd piece when the inspiration strikes!

I'd love to hear your ideas. Drop me a comment below.

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