About me

Boomer Eco Crusader logo with image of Michelle

Hi there! I’m Michelle and I’m the boomer behind Boomer Eco Crusader. I was born in Lancashire, England, but have lived in Canada for most of my life. These days, I call Kitchener, Ontario home. I am married with two young adult daughters.

Photo credits: Portraits by Kendra

Having spent my career in the retirement and employee benefits business, I’m passionate about all aspects of physical, mental and financial wellness. Since retiring from my primary career in the middle of 2024, I’ve launched a retirement coaching business to help people with the non-financial aspect of retirement. Visit Second Life Vision to learn more about my work as a retirement coach.

I firmly believe that with just a few small changes, each of us can have a positive impact on the planet, the people around us, and our own wellbeing. The goal for my blog is to share positive thoughts and simple ideas you can use right away to make a difference in your life and the world around you.

Let’s keep in touch

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I also write for Wise & Shine. This site features a diverse group of talented writers who share thoughts and inspiration to help people understand themselves.

10 thoughts on “About me

  1. hi michelle – loved your storytelling and wisdom on vicky and wynn’s podcast/youtube! happy to have found you and am now following – beth

    1. Hi Christine! I will look up your blog. I just love the blogging community. It’s amazing to make all these connections around the world…and right here at home.

  2. Hi
    You reply my comments on other my followers blog post. Thank you so much. Iam so glad. After I visited you site. Very interested you shar your knowledge & experience. I like.

  3. Came across your blog and can relate!! This is really nicely put together. Buried in unrequested multiple generations’ inherited stuff since 2014, I am just getting started on my own blog, in the States, though it is not yet live. I try to find the humour in the reality of it, but it’s an emotional weight for sure… Cheers to you and best of luck!

I'd love to hear your ideas. Drop me a comment below.

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