August 2024 roundup – Great reads and goals update

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August 2024 roundup – Great reads and goals update

Welcome to September. How is it possible that we are two-thirds of the way through 2024 already? I was away in Ireland for more than half of the month, so my August 2024 roundup is a little lighter than usual.

In addition to my goals update, my August 2024 roundup has an insightful post on life lessons none of us learned in school.

Happy reading!

Pinterest image: Laptop with "Favourite blog posts" written on the screen

Cool things I read in August

Since publishing my first monthly roundup at the end of 2020, it has been an honour to introduce you to some of my favourite bloggers. I started the roundup to say thank you to the blogging community and bring attention to talented writers who create inspiring and informative content.

Because I was away from home, I fell behind in my regular blog post reading. I did choose one post to share with you.

Life Skills Nobody Actually Taught Us – Aspiring Blog

In a wisdom-filled post, Ritish shares 14 life lessons that none of us learned in school.

Schools focus on getting good grades and getting a degree, but they don’t teach us how to actually live. It’s like they take all these unique kids and try to squash them into the same mold.

Ritish Sharma, Life Skills Nobody Actually Taught Us

What I wrote in August

In case you missed any of them, here are the new posts I published in August here on Boomer Eco Crusader.

And here are the posts I wrote in August for Wise & Shine.

Plus, as I revisit my 52-Weeks of Decluttering Challenge, I refreshed and republished these posts.

Let’s keep in touch! Join my mailing list and I’ll email you when I add a new post.

August goals update

Heading into August, I decided to set a lighter list of goals because I knew I’d be travelling for more than half of the month. Let’s look at how things went.

August 2024 goals report card


Again, my goal was to either work out or walk every day in the month. I admit I didn’t even take the time to keep track. My Fitbit exercise tracker says I met my activity goal on 16 out of the 31 days so we’ll go with that.


I fell short of my goal of reading 5 books. Here’s what I read this month:

  • Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley
  • The Lying Game by Ruth Ware
  • The Woman in the Woods by A.J. Rivers


After returning home from Ireland, I was at 0 items with just 2 days left in the month. I dove into decluttering my paper files and exceeded my goal of decluttering 50 items, with a total of 52 items removed.

Personal development

I submitted the final slides for my presentation on age-friendly workplaces for the conference I’m attending later this month.

My September goals

Other than a short trip to Nashville to attend a conference mid-month, I’ll be home for the whole month of September. This is my month to get back on track!

  • Fitness goals: My goal is to get back to 150 minutes of exercise each week (plus daily walks), including 3 balance and flexibility sessions each week.
  • Reading: Read 4 books.
  • Decluttering: Declutter 50 items.
  • Second life: Plan out content for my retirement coaching website.

Thanks for dropping by to check out my August 2024 roundup. How was your summer? Drop me a comment below to let me know.

Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

12 thoughts on “August 2024 roundup – Great reads and goals update

  1. I try and aim for 4 or 5 books in a month, but I fell short in August and managed only two … but one of them was Stephen King’s The Stand which is as long as three books so I was not so disappointed, haha! I enjoy the round-up of the month posts that you do, I always find a new blog, book or goal to read or think about!

  2. Thanks so much for featuring my blog post. I’m glad you enjoyed it, it’s a topic close to my heart. Love your goals update too, you’re crushing it.

    Can’t wait to see what September brings for you (and me) 😊

I'd love to hear your ideas. Drop me a comment below.

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