Author: Michelle

Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.
Reduce Reuse Recycle

Get ready for Plastic Free July 2023

It’s time to get ready for Plastic Free July 2023. Whether you’re new to Plastic Free July or a seasoned veteran, you’ll want to download or print my calendar of simple plastic-free swaps. Pick one or two changes or commit to trying all 31. By doing so, you’ll be joining over a hundred million people around the world taking steps to make a difference for our planet.


The shocking truth about microplastics and your health

If you pay attention to the news media, you’ve likely heard about microplastics. But what are they and how do they impact your health?

In today’s post, learn the shocking truth about microplastics—what they are, where they are found, and the risks they pose to your health. More importantly, find out some steps you can take to reduce your exposure.

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