Author: Michelle

Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.
Great reads

Atomic Habits review: 6 helpful things I learned

In January, James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, spoke at my workplace’s global speaker series. The timing was perfect as I had decided at the beginning of this year to take a different approach to goals. Clear’s talk piqued my curiosity enough that I decided to read the book. Today’s review is a summary of the key messages I took away from the book, and how I’m adopting these learnings in my daily life.

The Sunday Spark

The Sunday Spark – Airport adventures at O’Hare

As I sit down to write this, I’m stuck at O’Hare Airport in Chicago pondering life’s little inconveniences. Welcome to week 13 of The Sunday Spark, a series with weekly thoughts and highlights, nuggets of learning, and a sustainable living tip for the week. This week, I have a tale of airport adventures to share! Plus, promising innovations on the plastic front, and airline sustainability.

The Sunday Spark

The Sunday Spark – Why haven’t we stamped out ageism?

With so much focus on diversity, equity and inclusion these days, why do we still tolerate ageism? I ponder this question in week 12 of The Sunday Spark, a series with weekly thoughts and highlights, nuggets of learning, and a sustainable living tip for the week.

Also this week: why eggs are so expensive, the latest binge-drinking trend, alternatives to laundry detergent in plastic jugs, and more.

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