Author: Michelle

Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

Helpful tips for green meetings and events

After two years of virtual meetings and travel restrictions, it’s finally looking like our workplaces may be getting back to normal. The return of in-person meetings and events after a long hiatus is an opportunity to revisit our practices and adopt some new eco-friendly habits. In today’s post, I’ve got tips for green meetings and conferences.

Simple Living Sunday

Simple Living Sunday – The blessing of having just enough

The world conditions us never to be satisfied with what we have. Every day, we hear that the key to happiness lies with the next purchase—that new pair of shoes, a shiny new car, or a big house to impress our friends. Today, I continue my May Simple Living Sunday tribute to qualities I admire in my mum, with a look at being satisfied with the blessing of having just enough.

Beauty & style

12 ways to make your wardrobe more sustainable

One of the biggest surprises on my journey towards a more sustainable life was learning about the fashion industry’s impact on our planet. Like most people, I never gave it much thought in the past as I added new clothes to my closet every season. Since learning the impact, I’ve changed my habits significantly, and it hasn’t been that difficult to do. Today I’m sharing 12 tips for a sustainable wardrobe.

Decluttering Tips

Decluttering update – stocking up on bargains can create waste

After last year’s decluttering marathon, I decided to go back to the beginning for round two the 52-Week Decluttering Challenge. To stay on track, I committed to sharing monthly progress updates, along with new decluttering tips I learn along the way. This month, I look at how stocking up on bargains can create waste and end up costing more money.

Simple Living Sunday

Simple Living Sunday – Wisdom and knowledge are not the same

It’s Mother’s Day in North America. Greetings to all the moms out there! I hope your day is filled with love, joy and laughter. Many of us would describe our moms as wise. As I continue my May Simple Living Sunday tribute to qualities I admire in my mum, today’s post looks at the difference between wisdom and knowledge, and how we can cultivate wisdom in our lives.

Positive thoughts

World Wish Day – 24 wishes to make the world a better place

Today is World Wish Day, a day to celebrate wishes in all forms. This day was established by Make-A-Wish Foundation, a charitable organization that makes wishes come true for children with critical illnesses. As I sat down and thought about wishes, I decided this would be a good time to dust off my 24 wishes for our world and share them again.

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