Author: Michelle

Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.
Clutter Tales

Clutter Tales – Memories of Grandad (Guest post)

Welcome to Volume 12 of Clutter Tales, a series where we tell the stories of our lives through our clutter.

Today, I have another guest post and it’s a reminder of the sentimental value of old family photos. This tale comes from Smelly Socks and Garden Peas who shares the memories that came flooding back after she found an old photo of her grandad in a box of mementos.

Clutter Tales

Clutter Tales – This chart-topping birthday gift is #1

Hello and welcome to Volume 11 of Clutter Tales, a series where we tell the stories of our lives through our clutter. There’s a new guest post coming next week but today I’ve got a Clutter Tale of my own. If you’re a music fan, I know you’ll relate to this story about the memories inspired by a chart-topping birthday gift.

Everyday life Positive thoughts

7 things we can learn from Indigenous wisdom

On Canada Day, I reflected on the horrific findings on Canada’s residential school sites. Many of our world’s issues come from a lack of understanding, so I signed up for a course on Coursera to learn more about our Indigenous people. The Indigenous Canada course gave me a perspective on Canadian history that I didn’t learn in school. The biggest takeaway was that Indigenous wisdom and way of life is something we should respect and value.

Reduce Reuse Recycle

Go green with these 21 simple bathroom swaps

Are you looking for ways to reduce single-use plastic in your home? The bathroom is a great place to start. Other than the kitchen, it’s the one area of our homes where we have the greatest opportunity to reduce waste and live a greener life. Today, I’ve got 21 simple eco-friendly bathroom swaps to help you get started.


6 great reasons to love thrift shops

Are you an avid thrift shopper or do you prefer brand new goods? August 17 is Thrift Shop Day, a day set aside to encourage people to visit thrift shops in their area and to purchase second-hand items. It’s an opportunity to look at the benefits of second-hand shopping and some great reasons to love thrift shops.

Clutter Tales

Clutter Tales – A treasure tin of memories (Guest post)

Welcome to Volume 9 of Clutter Tales, a series where we tell the stories of our lives through our clutter.

Today, I have another guest post and, it’s one with a positive message. This tale comes from Alison at A Sustainably Simple Life. Alison’s story about a treasure tin of memories is a reminder that the simplest of things can enhance our lives.

Clutter Tales

Clutter Tales – Musically Rolling Along (Guest post)

Welcome to Volume 8 of Clutter Tales, a series where we tell the stories of our lives through our clutter. Today, I have another guest post and, as a music lover, it’s one I definitely relate to.
This post comes from my dear friend Cher at The Chicago Files who shares the story of memories sparked by finding her old iPod. There’s nothing like musical memories to transport you back to a different time and place!

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