Our relationship with possessions we’ve worked hard to accumulate over a lifetime can be complicated. Whether you’re just getting started, or have been decluttering for a while, you’ll enjoy my tips and strategies to help you overcome common decluttering barriers.
Holiday decoration storage tips from the experts
With December just around the corner, you may be starting to think about decorating your home for the holidays. I’m delighted to share that Redfin recently asked me to contribute to an article about holiday decoration storage featuring tips from top organizing experts.
Throwback Thursday – Do you need a little decluttering motivation?
Is decluttering one of your goals for 2024? Whether you’re joining my 52-week decluttering challenge or just following your own schedule, you may need some decluttering motivation as we roll into February.
Decluttering bit by bit adds up quickly
Since the beginning of this year, I’ve been a bit lazy with decluttering, so I needed a new challenge. To kick start my efforts, I set a goal to declutter 150 items by removing at least one item from five areas of my home every day during the month of June. Does decluttering bit by bit work? Let’s take a look.
6 ways to turn your junk into treasure
There’s an old saying that one man’s junk is another man’s treasure. The more time I spend decluttering, the more I see the truth in that saying. But decluttering doesn’t mean filling the landfill. Read on for six ways you can turn your junk into treasure—for you or someone else.
Simple space saving tips for smaller homes
It has been a while since I’ve done a decluttering or organizing post, so I went to my idea list for some inspiration. One of the items on my list came from a reader who left a comment asking for tips on staying organized in smaller spaces. Read on for a roundup of space saving tips for smaller homes.
5 helpful tips for building a capsule wardrobe (Guest Post)
Have you ever considered a capsule wardrobe? It’s something that intrigues me but, despite my ongoing efforts to declutter my closet, I’ve never taken the leap. Today’s post is a guest post from one of my favourite bloggers. Bee from Mind Beauty Simplicity shares things to consider when building a capsule wardrobe.
A new approach to decluttering in 2023
A new year provides an opportunity to reset old habits and build new ones. I always shun sweeping resolutions in favour of smaller, more realistic goals. With that in mind, I’m taking a new approach to decluttering in 2023. If you’re just starting to declutter or you’ve been at it for a while, I hope you’ll join me.
12 practical ways to find motivation to declutter
It happened. After two years of diligent decluttering, I finally hit the wall. For several reasons, October was a complete bust on the decluttering front. It had to happen eventually. Never fear, though! This month’s decluttering update has 12 ways to get back on track after losing the motivation to declutter. Are you ready to kick things into high gear?
Why a digital declutter is good for you…and the Earth
When was the last time you did a digital declutter? If you’re like most people, you probably don’t give a second thought to all those emails, photos and digital files stored on your phone, your computer, and in the cloud.
This month’s decluttering update looks at the environmental cost of digital clutter and offers tips on how you can reduce your footprint with a digital declutter.