Category: Decluttering Tips

Decluttering Tips

Why a digital declutter is good for you…and the Earth

When was the last time you did a digital declutter? If you’re like most people, you probably don’t give a second thought to all those emails, photos and digital files stored on your phone, your computer, and in the cloud.

This month’s decluttering update looks at the environmental cost of digital clutter and offers tips on how you can reduce your footprint with a digital declutter.

Decluttering Tips

7 areas you may overlook when decluttering

When you begin decluttering, it makes sense to start with the most obvious areas—places you can see or things that will have an immediate impact. Once the low-hanging fruit is out of the way, there are still many more opportunities to declutter and simplify.

This month’s decluttering update has a list of 7 areas you may overlook when decluttering.

Decluttering Tips

Understanding the Diderot Effect can simplify your life

Are you familiar with the Diderot Effect? Even if you don’t have a name for it, I’m willing to bet you’ve experienced its effects on your life. Most of us have. It’s a common side effect of a consumer culture that conditions us to want new things, even when our old things are perfectly fine.

Read on to learn about the Diderot Effect, and get tips on how you can control its impact on your life.

Decluttering Tips

Decluttering regret and “what if I need it” syndrome

One of the biggest barriers to decluttering for many people is what I call what-if-I-need-it syndrome. Many people worry that they’ll get rid of something and later wish they hadn’t, so they hang on to things “just in case.”

In this month’s decluttering update, I address decluttering regret and why you shouldn’t let this fear hold you back.

Decluttering Tips

Decluttering update – National Give Something Away Day

It’s National Give Something Away Day, a perfect day to share this month’s decluttering update. The idea behind the day is to encourage people to be thoughtful and generous while helping others.

But, what if someone doesn’t want the item you’re trying to give away? And how should you respond when someone tries to give you something you don’t want? Those tricky scenarios are the focus of this month’s update.

Decluttering Tips

Decluttering update – stocking up on bargains can create waste

After last year’s decluttering marathon, I decided to go back to the beginning for round two the 52-Week Decluttering Challenge. To stay on track, I committed to sharing monthly progress updates, along with new decluttering tips I learn along the way. This month, I look at how stocking up on bargains can create waste and end up costing more money.

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