Category: Decluttering

Is 2021 the year you plan to declutter and get organized? You’re in the right place! Watch for a new 52-Weeks of Decluttering and Organizing Feature coming early in 2021.

Until then, check out these posts to get the ball rolling:

What I learned from the 31 Day Declutter Challenge

Mindful shopping tips to save you money

This Christmas, give experiences, not things

52-Week Challenge

Decluttering challenge – Week 14 – Easter Decorations

I’m a big fan of seasonal decorations. It’s always fun to brighten up the house with a few holiday-themed items.

But, like everything else we own, these items can easily accumulate and turn into clutter. A good declutter of my seasonal treasures is long overdue.

This week’s task in the 52-Week Decluttering Challenge is decluttering Easter decorations.

Clutter Tales

Clutter Tales – Don’t step on my blue suede bowling shoes!

When I decided to revisit my 52-Week Decluttering Challenge this year, I knew it was just a matter of time before I’d find something that would inspire me to reprise the Clutter Tales series. It took a few weeks into the year, but then I discovered my old blue suede bowling shoes. They brought back a lot of memories, but it was time to let them go.

52-Week Challenge

Decluttering challenge – Week 12 – Accessories & jewellery

In week 12 of the 52-Week Decluttering Challenge, we wrap up our closet clear-out by sorting and decluttering a few miscellaneous accessories that we often overlook when we do a closet purge. Today’s task involves decluttering scarves, belts and jewellery. There’s a pretty good chance you’ve got a lot of these items taking up space in your home.

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