Have you ever considered a capsule wardrobe? It’s something that intrigues me but, despite my ongoing efforts to declutter my closet, I’ve never taken the leap. Today’s post is a guest post from one of my favourite bloggers. Bee from Mind Beauty Simplicity shares things to consider when building a capsule wardrobe.
A new approach to decluttering in 2023
A new year provides an opportunity to reset old habits and build new ones. I always shun sweeping resolutions in favour of smaller, more realistic goals. With that in mind, I’m taking a new approach to decluttering in 2023. If you’re just starting to declutter or you’ve been at it for a while, I hope you’ll join me.
12 practical ways to find motivation to declutter
It happened. After two years of diligent decluttering, I finally hit the wall. For several reasons, October was a complete bust on the decluttering front. It had to happen eventually. Never fear, though! This month’s decluttering update has 12 ways to get back on track after losing the motivation to declutter. Are you ready to kick things into high gear?
Why a digital declutter is good for you…and the Earth
When was the last time you did a digital declutter? If you’re like most people, you probably don’t give a second thought to all those emails, photos and digital files stored on your phone, your computer, and in the cloud.
This month’s decluttering update looks at the environmental cost of digital clutter and offers tips on how you can reduce your footprint with a digital declutter.
7 areas you may overlook when decluttering
When you begin decluttering, it makes sense to start with the most obvious areas—places you can see or things that will have an immediate impact. Once the low-hanging fruit is out of the way, there are still many more opportunities to declutter and simplify.
This month’s decluttering update has a list of 7 areas you may overlook when decluttering.
Understanding the Diderot Effect can simplify your life
Are you familiar with the Diderot Effect? Even if you don’t have a name for it, I’m willing to bet you’ve experienced its effects on your life. Most of us have. It’s a common side effect of a consumer culture that conditions us to want new things, even when our old things are perfectly fine.
Read on to learn about the Diderot Effect, and get tips on how you can control its impact on your life.
Clutter Tales – Being fab at 50 and super at 60
Welcome to Volume 23 of Clutter Tales, a series where we tell the stories of our lives through our clutter. Today’s post was inspired by something I got on my 50th birthday, so it’s a more recent memory than previous tales. Finding it made me reflect on being “fab at 50” now that I’m getting closer to being super at 60.
Decluttering regret and “what if I need it” syndrome
One of the biggest barriers to decluttering for many people is what I call what-if-I-need-it syndrome. Many people worry that they’ll get rid of something and later wish they hadn’t, so they hang on to things “just in case.”
In this month’s decluttering update, I address decluttering regret and why you shouldn’t let this fear hold you back.
Decluttering update – National Give Something Away Day
It’s National Give Something Away Day, a perfect day to share this month’s decluttering update. The idea behind the day is to encourage people to be thoughtful and generous while helping others.
But, what if someone doesn’t want the item you’re trying to give away? And how should you respond when someone tries to give you something you don’t want? Those tricky scenarios are the focus of this month’s update.
Clutter Tales – 10 things I love about Canada
Today is Canada Day. Our country’s 155th birthday is the perfect day to share a Clutter Tale that celebrates my love of my adopted homeland. This tale was inspired by something I found in my night table drawers. Seeing the Bible from my Canadian citizenship ceremony in 1985 made me pause and reflect on things I love about Canada.