Homemade soup is the ultimate comfort food! Today’s Throwback Thursday post features five of my favourite soup recipes.
The environmental impact of food waste
The Climate Change Collective is an initiative where the blogging community unites behind a common goal. This month’s lead post comes from A Sustainably Simple Life who considers the environmental impact of food waste. It contains some statistics that should shock you.
Attracting pollinators to your garden
Replacing our deck and patio last summer gave us an opportunity to reimagine our outdoor space. Over the winter, I’ve done some research into attracting pollinators to our garden. Read on to learn about pollinators and the vital role they play in our ecosystems, and for tips on how you can help them continue their important work.
The link between climate change and food insecurity
The latest post in the Climate Change Collective series is from Caroline at Enviroline Blog, who looks at the connection between climate change and food insecurity. Food insecurity is not just an issue in the developing world.
Best homemade soup recipes to warm up winter
Is there any better comfort food than a hearty bowl of homemade soup in winter? We’ve reached the end of February, but I suspect it will be several weeks before we see any real spring-like weather here in Ontario. Today’s post has five of my favourite homemade soup recipes to take the chill out of those late winter days.
Buying spices in bulk – save money and reduce waste
Spices are an excellent way to add variety and flavour to your recipes. But those individual bottles, cans and packages of spices are expensive. Did you ever stop to think about what you’re paying for? Today’s post looks at the advantages of buying spices in bulk.
Helpful tips for sustainable and low-waste grocery shopping
Food shopping is an area where we have a big opportunity to reduce our environmental impact. Have you ever done a serious audit of the bags you bring home from the supermarket? Chances are you’ll find a lot of unnecessary single-use packaging.
Today’s post has tips for sustainable and low-waste grocery shopping. As an added bonus, some of these changes might save you a little money.
Happiness is … candy with no plastic wrapping
Do you love candy? I do. I love all kinds of candy! Chocolate is one of my favourite simple pleasures. I find it very frustrating that most candy comes in non-recyclable plastic packaging. Today’s post has 8 candy options with no plastic wrapping to satisfy your sweet tooth while caring for the planet.
Delicious smoothie recipe for National Smoothie Day
It’s National Smoothie Day. To celebrate, I’ve got a delicious seven-ingredient smoothie recipe that’s packed with healthy ingredients. There’s no easier way to get your recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables. So grab your reusable straw and enjoy!
Giving up meat won’t save the Earth…but it might help
We hear that eating meat is bad for the environment. But just how big an impact does it have compared to other actions? I’ve made a lot of changes in my quest to live a greener life, but giving up meat isn’t one of them.
Today, I look at some facts about the health and environmental impacts of eating meat. I’ve also got 7 small changes I’ve made to reduce the role meat plays in my diet.