Plastic Free July is in the books for 2022. Did you participate this year? Let’s start off the month of August by wrapping up Plastic Free July 2022. Today’s post has a summary of my learnings and observations from the past month. There is hope!
Sustainable items for your college packing list
At this time of year, many young people are getting ready to move away to college or university—an exciting time for students and their parents. Reducing waste when you’re living in a college dorm is no easy task. Today’s post has 10 sustainable items to put on your college packing list.
Plastic Free July 2022 – Let’s win the war on plastics
Plastic pollution is a huge environmental issue and, despite increased awareness, we don’t seem to be winning the war on single-use plastic.
As Plastic Free July 2022 kicks off on Friday, let’s all commit to simple changes that will make a difference. To help you get started, today’s post has a free printable calendar of 31 easy swaps. Pick one or two, or challenge yourself to try all 31!
Creative upcycling ideas for National Upcycling Day
It’s National Upcycling Day, a day to celebrate the art of transforming something old into something new. If you’re not familiar with upcycling, today’s post looks at what it is and how it can be a better option than reusing or recycling. Plus, I’ve got a list of creative upcycling ideas to get you started.
Delicious smoothie recipe for National Smoothie Day
It’s National Smoothie Day. To celebrate, I’ve got a delicious seven-ingredient smoothie recipe that’s packed with healthy ingredients. There’s no easier way to get your recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables. So grab your reusable straw and enjoy!
Climate change – When are we going to wake up?
For the the past two Fridays, my posts have reflected on the environmental effects of our obsession with cars and convenience. Today, I follow up those posts with something a little different—a song that asks “When are we gonna wake up?” when it comes to climate change.
Will high gas prices make us change our driving habits?
In recent weeks, the price of gas in Canada has broken through the $2 a litre barrier that didn’t seem possible even a few months ago. News reports about the impact of high oil prices on our lives have me thinking about the importance of vehicles in our lives, and whether high gas prices will make us change our driving habits.
Green innovations you’ll want to know about
When it comes to climate change and environmental sustainability, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the doom and gloom. As consumers, we often feel powerless to have any real impact. I’m a big believer in the power of small steps, so today I’m sharing some of the little wins and green innovations I’ve seen over the last few months.
12 ways to make your wardrobe more sustainable
One of the biggest surprises on my journey towards a more sustainable life was learning about the fashion industry’s impact on our planet. Like most people, I never gave it much thought in the past as I added new clothes to my closet every season. Since learning the impact, I’ve changed my habits significantly, and it hasn’t been that difficult to do. Today I’m sharing 12 tips for a sustainable wardrobe.
Learn more with these Earth Day activities
Happy Earth Day! This year’s theme is Invest in Our Planet. The call to action is for all businesses, governments and citizens to demonstrate courage and accountability, and take action. If you’re looking for Earth Day activities, today’s post is a roundup of ways to learn more about the environmental crisis facing our beautiful planet Earth.