Category: Eco Friendly Living

Tips and ideas on living an eco-friendly life.

Climate Change

Some facts about Canada’s Carbon Tax

Canada’s Carbon Tax went up on April 1. That increase has created a lot of conversation—very little of it productive. In today’s post, I look past the political shenanigans. Read on for some facts about how Canada’s Carbon Tax works and how it financially benefits the vast majority of Canadians, despite what special interest groups and climate deniers want you to think.

Climate Change

The powerful environmental impact of small changes

The Climate Change Collective is an initiative where the blogging community unites behind a common goal. In the most recent post in the series, Molly from Transatlantic Notes discusses why climate action doesn’t need to be perfect. This aligns perfectly with my philosophy around the environmental impact of small changes.

Travel & entertainment

Sustainable concert tours are possible! Who’s doing it?

If you’re a regular reader, you know I’m a music lover. Sometimes it’s hard to reconcile my love of live music with my desire to be sustainable. A recent concert experience prompted me to research sustainable concert tours, and I learned there are artists and tour companies who are doing this successfully.

Climate Change

It’s cold outside – The difference between weather and climate

The Climate Change Collective is an initiative where the blogging community unites behind a common goal—spreading awareness of environmental issues. This month, I have the pleasure of writing the lead post. It’s about a distinction many people don’t make when the temperature turns cold in winter—the difference between weather and climate.

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