Category: Shopping


It’s time to stop excessive packaging waste – once and for all!

What do cucumbers have in common with cosmetics, toys, electronics accessories and many online purchases? If you guessed too much packaging, you’re right!

As someone who strives to reduce waste and live a more sustainable life, excessive packaging is a personal pet peeve of mine. We are starting to see some improvement in this area, but change is slow.


What I learned from the Buy Nothing Challenge

This year, instead of giving up the usual things like chocolate or potato chips for Lent, I decided to do something I had been thinking about for a while – a Buy Nothing Challenge. How hard would it be to avoid all non-essential purchases for six weeks?

In today’s post, I’ll recap my experience and share what I learned from the Buy Nothing Challenge.


Buy Nothing Challenge for Lent

Lent starts on Wednesday. Every year since I was a child, I’ve heard the question “What are you giving up for Lent?”. This year, instead of giving up the standard temptations like potato chips, candy or alcohol, I’ve decided to do something different. I’m going to try a Buy Nothing Challenge.

In 2020, I set a goal to buy no new clothing for the year. Since then, I’ve been thinking about expanding that to a Buy Nothing Challenge. Lent feels like a good opportunity to give it a try.

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