Category: Current issues

Current general issues and concerns about causes that should matter to all of us.

Current issues

Every Child Matters – A Canada Day Reflection for 2021

Today is Canada Day. A day normally celebrated with parades, fireworks and outdoor fun. But this year it’s different. And it’s not about the pandemic.

In my Canada Day reflection, I consider our nation’s history and ponder the right way forward. How can can heal from the horrific discoveries of the last several months? How can we truly embrace and respect Indigenous culture? How can we again be “the true north, strong and free”?

Current issues

World Ocean Day – 5 ways you can save our seas

Do you love the ocean as much as I do? June 8 is World Ocean Day – a day to raise awareness of the impact of human behaviour on the oceans. Sadly, our oceans are in crisis and it’s up to each of us to do what we can to help.

Read on for some alarming facts on the state of our oceans, and 5 simple changes you can make to help save our seas.

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