There’s nothing more festive than the sight of stockings hung by the fireplace. In 33 great ideas for sustainable stocking stuffers, I shared ideas for sustainable ways to fill those stockings. Over the next few days, I’ve got ultimate lists of stocking stuffers for everyone on your Christmas list. Today, I’ll kick things off with stocking stuffers for kids and babies.
Simple and delicious Breton Brittle
If you’re looking for a decadent and delicious Christmas recipe, it’s your lucky day. Breton Brittle is a family favourite at our house. It’s a sinful combination of caramel and chocolate—two of my favourite things in the world!
Cut waste this Christmas with green gift wrap options
If throwing mounds of wrapping paper in the trash after your Christmas festivities make you sad, you’ll love today’s post. Today, we’ll wrap up our Year of monthly waste reduction goals challenge with some ideas on how you can eliminate wrapping paper and switch to green gift wrap options.
Count down with a low-waste advent calendar
December starts next week and the countdown to Christmas will shift into high gear. Just 30 sleeps until Christmas Day. In today’s post, I will discuss one of my favourite traditions – the advent calendar. We’ll start with a look at the history of using an advent calendar to count down to Christmas. Then, I’ve got some low-waste advent calendar ideas for you.
Terry Fox – Inspiration in the fight against cancer
Forty years ago, a young man set out to walk across Canada. What made this journey special was this brave young man had lost a leg to cancer at the age of 18. As Terry Fox dipped his prosthetic leg into the Atlantic Ocean to start his Marathon of Hope, no-one could have predicted the effect he would have on the lives of so many.
Evaluate Your Life Day – Free Printable
It’s Evaluate Your Life Day This is a day to pause and ask the big question “How am I doing?” If it sounds a bit overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be. Like many daunting tasks, it’s easier if you break it down into small steps.
In today’s post, I’ve got a free printable checklist you can use to quickly assess seven important areas that affect your overall wellbeing. The checklist will help you get started on creating an action plan to make changes.
What I’m grateful for this Thanksgiving
Today is Thanksgiving Day here in Canada. A day to give thanks for the blessings in our lives. 2020 hasn’t been an easy year and this won’t be a typical Thanksgiving celebration for most people. In the spirit of gratitude, today’s post will focus on finding things I am thankful for.
Don’t be fooled by greenwashing!
Climate action and other environmental issues are hot topics these days, thanks in part to the attention drawn to them by teenage activist Greta Thunberg over the last few years. As with any hot topic, many companies jump on board and make claims related to sustainability. But are these claims true? Or is it just greenwashing?
My 1st blogiversary – Tips for new bloggers
One year ago today, I celebrated my birthday by publishing my first blog post. To celebrate my first blogiversary, I’m looking back at what I’ve done in the last year. I’ll also reflect on learnings from my first year of blogging and share some tips for new bloggers that I wish I had known a year ago.
Who Knew? A poem for our times!
As a follow up to my post yesterday about rethinking normal, I wanted to share this beautiful poem written by my dear friend Pat Bell Keachie. I think it sums up very nicely what is currently happening in our world and the opportunity we have to reinvent it.