At this magical time of year, the material aspects often distract us from what really matters. This year, let’s get back to basics and focus on simple holiday joys. I’ll get things started and, for the next three Sundays, I’m turning The Sunday Spark over to the little things that make your holiday season special.
The Sunday Spark – Shifting our focus to aging well
Anti-aging is a term I’d like to obliterate from the English language. Instead, I propose we start a pro-aging movement where we focus on aging well! In addition to healthy aging, this week’s edition of The Sunday Spark looks at Blue Zones, the power of nostalgia, limitations of Ontario’s new recycling program, and decluttering makeup.
The Sunday Spark – In praise of confident humility
Humility is an undervalued quality in our world, but what about confident humility? It may sound like an oxymoron, but it has the potential to make the world a better place. Learn more in today’s edition of The Sunday Spark.
Also this week: how Toronto is using cold water from Lake Ontario to cool and heat buildings, the economic impact of menopause in the workplace, learning how green your bank is, and decluttering craft supplies.
Fall reading update – The road to 1000 books
Earlier this year, I set an ambitious goal to read 1000 books—something I expect will take me many years. My fall reading update covers what I read from July 27 to October 31, and a peek at what’s next on my reading list.
The Sunday Spark – Old photos and memories
Do you keep old photos of people who are no longer in your life? In this week’s edition of The Sunday Spark, I consider the impact of the digital age on how we save and share photos. And I wonder if younger generations will come to regret erasing part of their personal history.
October 2024 roundup – Great reads and goals update
As I sit down to write my October roundup, I’m sad that my favourite month of the year is over, but grateful for the spectacular display of fall colour we enjoyed in October. Along with my goals update, my roundup has insightful posts on retirement learnings, asking the right questions, and keeping the magic in everyday life.
My new retirement coaching website is here!
It’s here! I’m so excited to announce that my retirement coaching website is up and running. Creating this website was a key milestone in my year of reinvention. It’s a place where I’ll share content about retirement lifestyle, healthy aging, and other areas of interest to older adults.
The Sunday Spark – November 11 is a day to reflect and remember
November 11 is Remembrance Day—a day to remember those who paid the ultimate price in the name of freedom. I reflect on freedom in this week’s edition of The Sunday Spark, along with hubris, the importance of strength training, Travel Tuesday, and decluttering Halloween and fall décor.
The Sunday Spark – Faith and trust without the pixie dust
A recent flight delay because of a mechanical issue reminded me how often in life we put our faith and trust in complete strangers. Read more in this week’s edition of The Sunday Spark, along with celebrating Diwali, learning Japanese, sitting in Toronto traffic, and decluttering miscellaneous clothing items.
The Sunday Spark – In search of mindful mornings
What does your morning routine look like? This week’s edition of The Sunday Spark looks at my quest for mindful mornings. Plus: Australian banks get tough on fossil fuels, students deal with climate anxiety, clean energy creates a job boom, and digital photo decluttering.