And just like that, I’m back from my vacation in Ireland. It was a wonderful trip that I’m so glad I was able to make happen for my mum. The 77th edition of The Sunday Spark recaps the highlights of our 16 days on the Emerald Isle and how I travelled far beyond my comfort zone doing something I swore I’d never do.
The Sunday Spark – Off to Ireland…I hope!
If the stars align, I’ll be off to Ireland tomorrow night on a trip that’s turning into an adventure before it has even started. Read more in this week’s edition of The Sunday Spark.
The Sunday Spark – Things that are more important than winning
As the Canadian Olympic Soccer Team made headlines for all the wrong reasons this week, I considered things that are more important than winning.
In addition to the danger of a win-at-all costs mentality, this week’s edition of The Sunday Spark looks at generational differences, and fridge and freezer decluttering.
The Sunday Spark – Hop on the party bus!
What do you think of when you hear the words “party bus”? I’m pretty sure it isn’t a ride home from work on a public transit bus, but that’s what’s been on my mind this week.
Along with party bus memories, this week’s edition of The Sunday Spark looks at TLDR, spicy foods, self-transcendence, and pantry decluttering.
The Sunday Spark – Enough of the crazy summer weather
How’s the weather where you live this summer? In today’s edition of The Sunday Spark, some thoughts on 2024’s crazy summer weather. Also this week: Paris plans green Olympics, Brazil leads the way in renewable energy, and a new study considers the real impact of EVs.
The Sunday Spark – Celebrating milestones
This coming week marks our 30th wedding anniversary, my 60th birthday, and my 5th “blogiversary”. This week’s edition of The Sunday Spark considers these milestone celebrations. Plus: Australia’s takeout coffee cup ban, the history of paperback books, and night table decluttering.
The Sunday Spark – My first day of retirement
As of Thursday afternoon, I am officially retired! So, what did I do on my first day of retirement? Find out in this week’s edition of The Sunday Spark.
The Sunday Spark – Family time is rare and precious
With all four members of our family under the same roof, in this week’s edition of The Sunday Spark I consider how family time these days is precious—something to be savoured! Plus: rising coffee prices, environmental justice, soaring temperatures, and china cabinet decluttering.
The Sunday Spark – Nuggets of wisdom from dad
Happy Father’s Day! This week on The Sunday Spark, nuggets of wisdom I learned from my dad. Plus: Indigenous languages in Canada, bank investment in fossil fuels, and decluttering the front entranceway.
The Sunday Spark – Retiring on my own terms
In this week’s edition of The Sunday Spark, I consider how fortunate I am to be retiring on my own terms. Also this week: celebrating the end of offshore oil permits in British Columbia, World Ocean Day, and linen closet decluttering.