Clutter Tales – Memories of 1980s high school me

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Clutter Tales – Memories of 1980s high school me

Welcome to Volume 6 of Clutter Tales, a series where we tell the stories of our lives through our clutter. This week, I have a Clutter Tale of my own to tell. Tomorrow is my birthday, so to celebrate I thought it would be fun to travel back in time to the 1980s to give you a glimpse of 1980s high school Michelle.

This post was originally published in July 2021 and updated in June 2024.

Ah yes! The 1980s! It was the era of big hair, bigger dreams and even bigger shoulder pads. During a recent book decluttering session, I came across my high school yearbooks. Tucked away in front of my Grade 13 yearbook were a few pieces of memorabilia: the commencement program, my grade 13 class timetable, and the subject of today’s post—a piece of homework from one of my French classes.

1980s high school yearbook, class schedule, commencement program, and homework assignment

French homework? What kind of memories could possibly come from a piece of 1980s high school French homework? Well, this sheet was a list of questions and answers about our favourite things. As I read it, I realized that 1980s high school Michelle had some different likes and dislikes compared to 2020s Michelle.

Let’s take a look…

Memories of the ditto machine

Here’s a picture of the homework sheet.

Old faded piece of paper with handwritten homework

It was printed on a ditto machine—officially known as a spirit duplicator. Back in the day, our teachers would write out the handouts on a master, then take them into the office and duplicate them. It was a low-cost way of printing a small number of copies.

Ask anyone who grew up in my era what they remember about the ditto machine. Without a doubt, they will say “the smell”. The machines used spirits—yes, alcohol—to mix with the ink on the master to make the copies. When our teachers would bring freshly-printed ditto copies into the classroom, we would sniff them as we passed them around the classroom. Ha ha…these days we might call the ditto machine a gateway drug!

Now, the downside to this method of copying is it didn’t stand the test of time. As you can see from the picture, the answers I wrote with my ball-point pen are still clearly readable 40 years later. On the other hand, the pre-printed content on the page has faded. I sure hope no-one ever printed important legal documents using one of those machines. 

Now, let’s look at my answers.

A few things have stayed the same

As I read the sheet, it was interesting to note that a few things have stayed the same.

  • Blue is still my favourite colour.
  • Ice cream is still my favourite dessert.
  • Hockey is still my favourite sport. Interestingly, I also had roller skating on the list. At the time, my friends and I were going through a roller-skating phase thanks to the boyfriend of one of my friends who was an avid roller skater. But that’s a story for another post.
  • Guitar is still my favourite musical instrument. I have a guitar, but I don’t play. One day, I will learn to play
  • If I had to pick only one, the car would still be my favourite method of transportation, probably because it’s the one I use the most. I do love a good road trip. These days, though, my transportation method of choice depends more on the fastest way to get me to my destination.
  • Queen is still my favourite musical group. That has never changed, and never will. Interestingly though, I said Queen’s The Game was my favourite album. At the time, it was their newest release, and I remember playing it over and over and over. It’s still right up there on the list of my favourite Queen albums, but I wouldn’t say it’s my favourite.
  • Listening to music was listed as my favourite pastime. I think I’d still say that’s true—especially live music.
  • When asked to name my favourite politician, high school Michelle said, “I don’t have a favourite politician because they are all stupid”. I can’t argue with that logic.
Book open to cover page with title "1980s High School Memories" - Girl with 80s hair and clothing

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But more things have changed

Now, on to the things that have changed since my 1980s high school days. Some of my answers made me smile. Others made me laugh out loud. Let’s have a look.

Favourite singer

In high school, my favourite singer was Tom Petty. I have always liked Tom Petty and I have great memories of seeing him in concert in the early 1990s. But, over the years, Elton John replaced Tom as my favourite. Bryan Adams would be a close second. Interestingly, I saw Bryan in concert for the first time at our local arena right around the time when I wrote these answers. No-one knew who he was back then. My, how things have changed.

Favourite movie

1980s Michelle said Gone With The Wind, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Quite the contrast between those two movies!

I’m not really a move buff but these days, I’d say Forrest Gump, and the first two movies in the Back To The Future series would top my list of favourites.

Favourite author

John Saul was my favourite in those days. I did read a lot of his books over the years.

Today, Mary Higgins Clark is my favourite. I still love a good mystery.

Favourite fruit and favourite vegetable

Growing up, we ate pretty plain food so it’s not surprising that apples were my favourite fruit and carrots were my favourite vegetables. Boring!

My tastes have definitely changed. It’s hard to pick favourites but I’d say asparagus would be my favourite vegetable. As for my favourite fruit, I’m a big fan of berries—especially raspberries and blueberries.

Favourite song

A sign of the times, I put Talk To Ya Later by The Tubes down as my favourite song. Today, I’m not sure I’d even be able to pick a single favourite song. There are just too many iconic songs to choose from.

Favourite TV show

Back in the day, I was a big fan of General Hospital, a show I haven’t watched in years. I also used to watch The Young & The Restless, a show I still watch but it’s not my favourite. These days, my favourite TV show is This Is Us and my perennial favourite Coronation Street.

Favourite beach

I’ve never been a big beach person. At the time, I hadn’t visited a lot of beaches at this point so I said Valens. Really? It’s not even a real beach!!

The most beautiful beach I’ve ever visited is Castaway Cay on Disney’s private island in the Bahamas. Now, that’s a real beach!

Country I’d most like to visit

In high school, I said Switzerland. It’s still on my list. I’d especially love to make a Queen fan pilgrimage to Montreux to see Freddie’s statue on the shore of Lake Geneva.

These days, Iceland and Australia would be two countries I haven’t been to that I’d most like to visit.

Favourite day of the year

I was a typical high school student because I said the last day of school was my favourite day of the year.

Now, if I had to pick only one day I would say Thanksgiving.

My grad photo

I hope you enjoyed learning a little more about me and 1980s high school.

Finally, here for fun is my grad picture and yearbook quote. I’m pretty sure the only physical copy of this picture is hanging on the wall in my mum’s living room.

High school yearbook graduation photo and quote "Small opportunities are often the beginning of grand accomplishments."

French and German were my best subjects, so my quote is in French. The translation “Small opportunities are often the beginnings of great accomplishments.” I can’t argue with that.  

I hope you enjoyed this little installment of Clutter Tales. Next week, we’ll continue the series with another guest post. If you’d like to write a guest post for Clutter Tales, please get in touch. I’d love to give you the opportunity to properly thank your clutter by sharing its story too!

What were some of your favourite things in high school? Tell us about them below.

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Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

17 thoughts on “Clutter Tales – Memories of 1980s high school me

  1. Hi Michele – Such fun looking back at old yearbooks. I was out of high school and working in an office in the 80’s. I definitely remember ditto machines. I have always had big hair, thanks to curls and lots of it. Iceland is definitely someplace I might go; it comes highly recommended. Hope you can get there.

  2. This was so fun to read. Your comment about politicians is too funny and indeed hard to argue with haha. If you ever have a chance to go to Switzerland I highly recommend it! I had the opportunity to live there for a year and it is such a beautiful place!

  3. Gosh, the similarities are eerie between us! I was born in 61 though, so my musical choices are kind of different! Elton John was replaced by Aerosmith and I still love Steven Tyler to this day! My music has only become harder as I’ve aged and you would not know any of the bands I like.
    I never did the fashion thing, so big hair was just a dream for me, and Mom regulated my clothes, so they were pretty boring back then.
    I’m learning Spanish and never took any formal language classes, but we had a Spanish teacher come in as a guest in elementary school. She taught us a few basics.
    I remember decorating my school book covers with fancy lettering of all the bands I was into like Kiss and AC/DC, Aerosmith and Led Zeppelin. English was always my favorite subject followed by science and humanities, because I love the arts. I hated math because I struggled with it all through school. I didn’t get to attend my prom, but a friend of my moms took me to a nightclub instead! That was awesome!

    1. Wow. There are definitely a lot of similarities here, Kim. We probably would have been friends if we had gone to high school together!

      I love Aerosmith too! Our music tastes were similar, although mine has softened over the years – mainly thanks to my daughters introducing me to their music as teenagers.

      I also hated math. I just couldn’t do it. As for prom, we didn’t have proms in Canada in those days – but I honestly would have preferred a night out at a club anyway. LOL

  4. I love your reminiscences down memory lane. It’s so interesting to reflect back on who we were versus who’ve we become… how some things are the same and others are very different. But the question… are you happy with who you’ve become or do you wish things had turned out differently? Or have you become the person that your teenage self expected/wanted to become?

    1. Thanks Helen. Yes, I am happy with who I’ve become, although I never imagined I’d work 30 years in financial services. It’s funny how life works.

      It took me some time to get to the level of peace and happiness I enjoy today. I followed a different path than a lot of my high school friends, and that caused me some anxiety in my 20s. Interestingly, I’m still friends with many of them today.

  5. I enjoyed reading about your trip down memory lane. I’ve never heard of a ditto machine. I like the Back to the Future films and I’ve read a few Mary Higgens Clark books.
    Memories I have of high school when it was the late 80s and everyone wore DM shoes with colourful laces and we listened to Acid house music!

    1. Maybe the ditto machine was called something else in England. Come to think of it, I don’t remember seeing them when I was in primarly school in England before we emigrated to Canada.

      I’ve never heard of DM shoes, but I do remember the colourful laces! And, 80s music was the best!

  6. They still had grade 13 in Ont in the ’80’s? The only reason that I am not saying what the heck is grade 13 is my mom was originally from Ont and she and her siblings were so glad to move here lol and only have to go to 12. I remember the late ’80’s better but big hair and big shoulders with tight jeans and mid-crop tops were our thing. Oh and the worst colors in blues and greens for our eyes. 🙂

    1. Ontario got rid of grade 13 in the 1990s – even 25 years later some kids do a 5th year of high school.

      Ha ha. The tight jeans. Yes, we used to wear Jordache jeans so tight we could barely zip them up. So many memories!

      1. I can’t remember the style of jeans popular when I was in junior high. I was the very last to get a pair and was so excited to wear them to school. Well wouldn’t you know it the zipper would not stay up. Not that I was aware of this until walking down hall with friends and people looking and laughing. I was wearing fire engine red underwear too full granny style 🤣🤣🤦🤦🤦🤦

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