Sustainable items for your college packing list

College dorm room with loft bed, and desk and dresser underneath bed
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Sustainable items for your college packing list

At this time of year, many young people are getting ready to move away to college or university—an exciting time for students and their parents. Reducing waste when you’re living in a college dorm is no easy task. Today’s post has 10 sustainable items to put on your college packing list.

This post was originally published in August 2019 as “Eco-friendly college packing list”

A couple of months ago, we attended our daughter Laura’s college graduation. Her four years at college flew by. It feels like just yesterday that we were excitedly packing her things for her big move.

It is difficult to avoid waste when living in a college dorm. Laura was lucky that her residence room had a shared kitchenette with a fridge so she was able to do some of her own cooking. She was also not too far away so I could replenish her supplies when I visited.

College packing essentials

Sustainable items for your college packing list

Even if your son or daughter is in a traditional residence room, here are 10 sustainable items to put on their college packing checklist:

Beverage items

Staying hydrated is important to proper brain functioning. Plus, when exam time rolls around, there will be lots of caffeine-fuelled cram sessions. With that in mind, let’s start our list with drink-ware.  

  • Reusable straws and cleaning brush—I put a few different-sized straws in a small cloth bag for my daughter to keep in her backpack.
  • A refillable water bottle is essential. Bottled water is an unnecessary cost—not to mention all the plastic waste.
  • A nice travel mug will make those early morning classes and late-night cram sessions more bearable.

Personal care items

There are lots of opportunities to reduce waste with personal care items. Here are a couple of essentials:

  • Avoid single-use plastic containers with bar soap, or buy hand soap and body wash in refillable containers.  
  • Pack a shampoo bar. They take up very little space and a single bar will likely last an entire semester.  

Cleaning and laundry supplies

Your son or daughter will be doing their own laundry and cleaning for the first time. This is a great time to develop some good eco-friendly habits.

  • Bulk laundry soap in refillable jugs is economical and eco-friendly.
  • Dryer balls eliminate the need for fabric softener.
  • Don’t forget a foldable laundry drying rack to keep those favourite t-shirts and sweatshirts looking great. We got an upright one that didn’t take up too much space.
  • Microfibre cleaning cloths like Norwex cloths are essential for quick cleanups and don’t require any detergent or cleaner.


Finally, don’t forget to pack some reusable shopping bags to avoid plastic on those trips to the supermarket to stock up on supplies and snacks.

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Pinterest image - Notepad with "College packing list" on it, surrounded by pens, markers, paperclips, erasers

Parents, pack your tissues handkerchiefs

A word to the moms and dads reading this. If you’re moving your son or daughter to college for the first time, you’ll also want to bring along some handkerchiefs because there will be tears! This is a huge milestone in their lives and it’s tough to let go.

When I moved Laura to college for her first year, I was so excited for her to pursue her dreams but it was still an emotional day. Rest assured that you will survive and next year’s move-in will be easier.

With a little creativity, college dorm life doesn’t have to generate a lot of unnecessary waste.

What other sustainable items would you put on your college packing list? Tell us your ideas below.

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Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

10 thoughts on “Sustainable items for your college packing list

  1. Not only will these sustainable items for your college packing list be great for the environment, but they will also help save money!

    A refillable water bottle is a must! I remember when I was University there were plenty of places to refill it between lectures as well, which is far more affordable and environmentally friendly than a beverage from a vending machine.

    A foldable laundry drying rack was one of the first things my mum bought me when I moved into my accommodation at Uni. Very useful, and it meant I didn’t have to use the expensive tumble dryer. A foldable reusable shopping bag is also so useful to have, as you never know when you might have the time to nip to the shop between lectures.

    Amazing list, thank you for sharing. 😊

    1. That is so true. That money spent on bottled water and takeout beverages really adds up. And the drying rack is so much better for your clothes.

  2. I always carry a heavy-duty reusable shopping back that I keep folded up in my backpack at all times. You never know when you might need it to carry things that won’t fit in your backpack. I also have several reusable water bottles, because bottled water is a scam

    1. The reusable shopping bags are awesome. I have one that folds up into a small pouch that clips onto the side of my purse. It saves me when I dash into a store and forget my bags. I totally agree with you on bottled water. It’s shameful how tap water in plastic bottles is marketed as better than tap water from your tap! And people fall for it!

      1. The bottled water industry is also causing water scarcity, as they divert much needed water for locals to be bottled up and shipped across the country and across the world.

    1. They are cool I even refill containers that aren’t meant to be refilled. I have a shelf full of glass jars that I use to freeze my homemade soups.

I'd love to hear your ideas. Drop me a comment below.

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