February 2025 roundup – Great reads and goals update

Laptop on a desktop beside a calendar and pen. Snowman holding a sign that says "February 2025 Roundup | Inspiring Reads | Monthly Goals Update"
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February 2025 roundup – Great reads and goals update

February is over and what a month it was! We saw record snowfall numbers in our area, and the snowbanks at the end of our driveway were higher than I’ve ever seen. But March is here and there are signs that spring is on the way.

In addition to my goals update, my February 2025 roundup has terrific posts on two things we all need a whole lot more of right now—joy and hope.  

Happy reading!

Hand typing on a laptop keyboard "February Roundup - Favourite Blog Posts - Goals Update"

Cool things I read in February

Since publishing my first monthly roundup at the end of 2020, it has been an honour to introduce you to some of my favourite bloggers. I started the roundup to say thank you to the blogging community and bring attention to talented writers who create inspiring and informative content.

Here are the pieces that captured my attention in February.

Dave Williams’ “Project Joy is…” series

We could all use a little more joy in our lives and Dave’s “Joy is…” series delivers! Dave asked his readers for submissions on what joy means to them. He published the first post on January 20, inauguration day, citing his disgust with the result of the US election as motivation.

This project is me going in another direction. I want to turn up the volume on positivity.

Dave Williams

Posts continued daily for the rest of January and February. I encourage you to drop by Dave’s blog and read the submissions. His wrap-up post contains an index of all the posts. They’re inspiring! An there’s even an uplifting playlist to accompany the series.

(P.S. If you want to read my submission to the series, here it is. Joy is sharing a love of music with others.)

Creating Hope – Dr. Gerald Stein

In recent years, freedom has become a buzzword for self-indulgence in our society. In this brilliant piece, Dr. Stein discusses the true price of freedom and how each of us must act to preserve it to ensure democracy survives for future generations.

We are only beginning to understand what it means to act on behalf of our freedom. The luxury and certainty of having it has disappeared.

Dr. Gerald Stein – Creating Hope

What I wrote in February

In case you missed any of them, here are the new posts I published in February here on Boomer Eco Crusader.

Plus, I refreshed and republished these posts.

And on my retirement coaching site Second Life Vision, I published Free e-books to help you create your best life in retirement.

Let’s keep in touch! Join my mailing list and I’ll email you when I add a new post.

February goals update

After a great start to the year in January, my plan for February was to keep the momentum going. Let’s look at how things went.

Colour coded report card for February 2025.

Fitness goals

After meeting my fitness goals in January, I kept the same ambitious goal of 300 minutes of weekly physical activity, including walks. And I planned to continue with 2 strength training and 3 balance/flexibility sessions every week.

Despite all the snow that made it harder to get outside, I met all three goals. I really should give myself bonus points here, because shlepping through two to three feet of snow is a workout!


I exceeded my goal of reading 4 books. Here’s what I read this month:

  • Rod | The Autobiography by Rod Stewart
  • The Housemaid by Freida McFadden
  • Her Heart for a Compass by Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York
  • A 5th Portion of Chicken Soup for the Soul
  • The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Intentional living

My intentional living goal for February was to reduce the distraction of technology. The first part was to cut out mindless online games which I did—freeing up a lot of time to focus on other things. I also completed a social media audit and shared the results in this post.

Lifelong learning

I’m getting really close to completing the final project course for the Plain Language Certificate. I’ve completed the writing and design and will wrap up the course this coming weekend.  


I had hoped to start to organize some of my favourite “wisdom” pieces for my book of memoirs. I didn’t get to that one in February.

My March goals

Other than my writing goals, February turned out to be another good month. Can I keep the momentum going in March? Here are my goals for this month.

  • Fitness goals: The days are getting longer, so I should be able to get outdoors more. With that in mind, I’m increasing my weekly goal to 325 minutes of physical activity, including walks, as I build toward 400 minutes. And I plan to continue with 2 strength training and 3 balance/flexibility sessions every week.
  • Reading: My March reading goal is 5 books.
  • Intentional living: As I announced in Sunday’s post, I’m taking a break from my personal social media for Lent.
  • Writing: I have two writing goals for March. First, I want to create a plan and timeline for my book of memoirs. And I want to create a first draft of my piece for a collaboration I’m working on.

Thanks for dropping by to check out my February 2025 roundup. How is 2025 going for you so far? Drop me a comment below to let me know.

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Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

12 thoughts on “February 2025 roundup – Great reads and goals update

  1. I love your goals and productivity, Michelle! Great call-outs to Dave and Dr. Stein – we are lucky to have such great blogs on WP! Thanks for yours!

  2. So many wonderful things in your post that are “comment-worthy” but I’ll admit – I was fascinated to see Rod Stewart’s written an autobiography? Did I catch that correctly? Wow. I bet he has a few stories to tell. xo, Michelle! 😎🥰😎

    1. Thanks Vicki! Yes, Rod’s autobiography has been sitting on my bookshelf since my husband gave it to me a couple of years ago for Christmas. I finally got around to reading it. It’s excellent and a real “who’s who” of the late 60s/early 70s British music scene. It’s definitely worth the read. Now that I have read it, my copy is making the rounds of my sisters and friends “of a certain age” 😂.

  3. Thank you for linking to Dave Williams’ “Project Joy Is…” I could use some more good news these days.

    Your exercise goal is ambitious! Congratulations on meeting your current goals this month and last!

    1. I hope you enjoy Dave’s series. I thought it was terrific, and miss it now that it’s over.

      I recently read Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s book, “Keep Sharp”. He suggests that 400 minutes a week of activity, including walks, is the right goal for optimal brain health, so that’s what I’m working towards. I think it will be easy in summer, but winter is a challenge. Especially this winter!

I'd love to hear your ideas. Drop me a comment below.

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