Final update on my 60 before 60 list

Cake on a pedestal with 6-0 candles on top - 60 Before 60 List - Final Update
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Final update on my 60 before 60 list

That’s a wrap! With my 60th birthday behind me, it’s time for the final update on my 60 before 60 list. How close did I get to 60 out of 60? Read on to find out.  

About my 60 before 60 list

When I celebrated my 59th birthday, I decided to do something a little fun and different in my 60th year. I made a list of 60 things I wanted to do before my 60th birthday and shared it here to keep myself accountable.

In my first 60 before 60 update, I reported I was off to a great start with 26 of the 60 items complete. At the halfway point, I was still ahead of schedule with 39 out of 60 tasks checked off the list. Then, things slowed down. I completed just 3 items in the third quarter of the year, bringing my nine-month total to 42 out of 60. I had a lot of work to do in the last three months.

My 60 before 60 list – Final update

Here’s what I ticked off the list in the final three months.

Pinterest optimized image: Cupcake with "60" embellishment. 60 Before 60 Final Update

Green living

  • #15 – Buy an outfit at a thrift store. In June, I bought two summer dresses at the thrift store. At $7.99 each, that was a big win for my wallet and the environment.

Health and wellness

  • #21 – Start a walking group. I wouldn’t call it a walking “group”, but I did get out for a couple of long walks and chats with friends I haven’t seen in a while so I’ll call this a win.



  • #26 – Take an online course. I’m counting this one as done as I’ve taken several educational webinars over the course of the year. I also put together a pilot workshop to get my practice coaching hours for #28, and I did an actual online course for #27.
  • #27 – Complete another plain language course. I completed this in May and have just one more course and the final project to earn the Plain Language Certificate.
  • #28 – Complete retirement coaching certification. I completed this at the beginning of May. Now I just need to figure out what I want to do with it!


  • #34 – Read 30 books. I exceeded this one with 35 books read.


  • #58 – See Cher in Chicago. Done in May. By the way, this is my friend Cher from The Chicago Files, not “the” Cher, although I’m pretty sure Chicago Files Cher would consider herself “the” Cher.

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What I didn’t get done

I gave it my best shot and completed 50 out of 60 items. Despite my good intentions, the timing didn’t line up for a few of the items. For a few others, I just ran out of time. That’s okay. I now have 10 more items for my retirement “curious list”.   

Here are the things I didn’t get done.

  • #2 – Make a snowman. We had a mild winter with very little snow, so the opportunity didn’t present itself.
  • #3 – Watch a parade.
  • #6 – Pick berries. My husband picked strawberries several times, but I can’t count that. I do plan to pick blueberries before the summer ends, though.  
  • #23 – Attend a live fitness class. I thought I’d tick this one off when I purchased a membership to Marion Brand’s Fit and Fabulous After 50 site, but all her live classes were during my working hours.
  • #29 – Sign up for a course at the community centre. I looked through the brochure but all the courses that interested me were during my working hours.
  • #30 – Learn sign language.
  • #31 – Take a creative class.
  • #42 – Learn 3 songs on piano.
  • #43 – Perform at a live show. My band is on hiatus at the moment so I didn’t have a chance to get this done. Does singing in the choir at church count?
  • #47 – Pen a short story. Although I meet my goal of writing a poem and a children’s story, I didn’t get to the short story. I do have an idea though, so stay tuned.

This was a fun exercise, but I won’t be making a “70 before 70” or even a “61 before 61” list. Instead, I’ll keep chipping away at the things on my retirement “curious list” as the mood strikes me.

Have you ever made a similar list as you approached a milestone? What would be on your list of things to accomplish before your next birthday? Drop me a comment below and let me know.

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Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

17 thoughts on “Final update on my 60 before 60 list

  1. 50 out of 60 is really great! It sounds like you really did very well with your list and have some wonderful things to look back on. This has inspired me to look at doing something similar. Congratulations on your achievements and experiences, and Happy Birthday!

  2. Major kudos regarding the accomplishments on your list, Michelle! Thank you so much for including me in the travel section! It was so awesome to see you, and I ‘hear’ there will be a deep dish pizza with your name on it awaiting your return! LOL Re: “Cher” – I’ll take the “Chicago Cher” moniker! Hahaha Thank you, my dear!

  3. I was wondering how you did with your list–I am so impressed with how much you got done while still working!

    (Apologies if this posts twice–my comments have been disappearing into the spam filter.)

    1. Thanks. I was a bit late getting my final update done because we were away on my birthday. I’m happy with how many things I got done. The last few months of work got really busy since I had to accept that some things would wait until year 61.

      Your other comment came through as Anonymous. I’ll delete it. Not sure what’s up with WordPress lately. Having lots of issues.

    1. Thanks Jamie. I don’t think I ever thought I’d get all 60 done, but it was fun to try. I’m really enjoying reading more. It was so hard when I was working and my kids were smaller.

I'd love to hear your ideas. Drop me a comment below.

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