My new retirement coaching website is here!

Laptop with "Second Life Vision" displayed on the screen. "New Website! Retirement Coaching Website"
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My new retirement coaching website is here!

It’s here! I’m so excited to announce that my retirement coaching website is up and running. Creating this website was a key milestone in my year of reinvention. It’s a place where I’ll share content about retirement lifestyle, healthy aging, and other areas of interest to older adults.

About my retirement coaching practice

Several years ago, I attended a presentation by Mike Drak, author of Victory Lap Retirement. Mike inspired me to think beyond the traditional view of retirement. I worked in financial services helping people save for retirement for over 30 years, but I’m a big believer that money alone is no guarantee of a satisfying retirement.

After reading Mike’s book, and his two later books, I was intrigued and decided to qualify as a retirement coach. Earlier this year, I completed the Certified Professional Retirement Coach (CPRC) designation.

As a retirement coach, my goal is to help my clients create a second life filled with meaning, purpose, and connection. That’s my vision for my second life and why I felt so ready and excited to leave my full-time career at the end of June.

Pinterest image: Laptop with "Second Life Vision" logo on the screen - New Website! Retirement Lifestyle Site

What you’ll find on the new site

On the Second Life Vision site, you’ll find details of my retirement coaching services and information on my upcoming events and workshops. And there’s a blog where I’ll add content on retirement lifestyle and healthy aging a couple of times a month.

If you’re already retired, thinking about retirement in the next few years, or simply looking for information on leading a life of meaning and purpose, I hope you’ll take a few minutes to visit my new retirement coaching website. And don’t forget to subscribe to my retirement blog so you won’t miss a post.

Here is link to the site:

Second Life Vision

Boomer Eco Crusader isn’t going anywhere. I’ll still post here on my personal blog twice a week, keeping my focus on sustainability, decluttering, and making sense of life. Any retirement related content will be on the new site.

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Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

27 thoughts on “My new retirement coaching website is here!

    1. Thanks Caroline. Yes, I’m happy to see the non-financial side of retirement planning getting more attention. My goal is to get the word out to as many people as possible!

  1. Best of luck with your new endeavor, Michelle. People have to have a plan or at least ideas of what they want their lives to be in retirement. Finding things that bring meaning to our lives (e.g. helping others or setting new goals) is a critical element of that.

  2. Congrats Michelle! Sounds like a wonderful reinvention and kudos to you for helping coach others to find their next new chapter as well.

    1. Thanks Ab. My goal is to get the word out to as many people as possible. So many people struggle in retirement when they lose the sense of purpose and social connections that came with their job.

I'd love to hear your ideas. Drop me a comment below.

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