This week on Throwback Thursday, I bring back a post I wrote for my younger daughter’s 18th birthday in 2021. To celebrate the fact that my kids are grown up, I shared positive parenting tips I learned from 21 years of being a mom.
5 helpful tips for building a capsule wardrobe (Guest Post)
Have you ever considered a capsule wardrobe? It’s something that intrigues me but, despite my ongoing efforts to declutter my closet, I’ve never taken the leap. Today’s post is a guest post from one of my favourite bloggers. Bee from Mind Beauty Simplicity shares things to consider when building a capsule wardrobe.
The Sunday Spark – Would you slow down time if you could?
Would you slow down time if you could? I ponder that question in week 7 of The Sunday Spark—a series with weekly thoughts and highlights, nuggets of learning, and a sustainable living tip for the week. Also this week: a look at alcohol consumption trends among young people, new AI widgets in WordPress, and excessive packaging.
Sharing the love in my January 2023 roundup
Happy Valentine’s Day and welcome to my January 2023 roundup. In addition to a progress report on my January goals, I’m delighted to share six fabulous posts from five of of my favourite bloggers.
Read on for posts on revving up your productivity, why less is better, the trouble with the “Isms”, adopting simple self-care ideas, saying “no” to consumerism, and living a frugal life.
The Sunday Spark – Dreaming of summer vacation
Welcome to week 6 of The Sunday Spark, a series with weekly thoughts and highlights, nuggets of learning, and a sustainable living tip for the week. This week: dreaming of summer vacation, glimmers of hope for sustainability, nihilism, and the problem with single use coffee cups.
Throwback Thursday – Will a plant-based diet help the Earth?
This week on Throwback Thursday, I bring back a post from 2021. It looks at the health and environmental impact of eating meat and whether a plant-based diet can reduce your carbon footprint and help the Earth.
How to use less energy at home
The Climate Change Collective is an initiative where the blogging community unites behind a common goal. Today, the conversation continues with the sixth post in the series. Cristiana from Crisbie Coach has some ways to use less energy at home. By implementing these tips, you’ll be kind to your bank balance and the Earth at the same time. Win-Win!
The Sunday Spark – Turning off notifications to be more present
Welcome to week 5 of The Sunday Spark, a series with weekly thoughts and highlights, nuggets of learning, and a sustainable living tip for the week. This week: turning off notifications, the ultimate eco-friendly Valentine’s gift, Marie Kondo’s big admission, and refusing to buy bottled water.
Winter survival tips to help you get through February
It’s Hell Is Freezing Over Day—a day for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere to commiserate as we try to survive the cold, dark days of winter. If you’re not a fan of winter, today’s post has simple winter survival tips to help you get through the next few weeks. Spring will arrive in just 48 days—but who’s counting?
The Sunday Spark – From Dry January to Dry 2023?
Welcome to the week 4 of The Sunday Spark, a series with weekly thoughts and highlights, nuggets of learning, and a sustainable living tip for the week. This week: a look at how I made out with Dry January; how wine corks compare to screw caps; chocolate and heavy metal; and why we should make BYOC an everyday word.