Make someone smile with random acts of positivity

Yellow and black smiley faces - Random acts of positivity
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Make someone smile with random acts of positivity

The last few years have been difficult for our world. With so much going on, it feels like there’s negativity and pessimism everywhere you turn. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, read on for some examples of random acts of positivity and ways you can make a difference in someone’s day.

This post was originally published in June 2020 and updated in April 2023.

A trend I noticed in the early days of the pandemic has continued. Many people are taking a break or even closing their social media accounts. I love how social media helps me stay connected with friends and family around the world. On the other hand, I see the nastiness and the dark side and understand why someone would find it all a bit too much.

But that’s enough about negativity! For today, let’s focus on simple things that can make people smile and spread positivity!

Random acts of positivity - Painted rocks with positive messages

Simple things to make someone smile

Early in the pandemic, my daughter and I went for a hike on some of our neighbourhood trails. In Surprising health benefits of walking, I mentioned we had seen a few rocks painted with positive messages and how they brightened our day. About a week after I wrote that post, we took a different path and were amazed at what awaited us.

We didn’t just see one or two painted rocks. There were dozens of them! We found carefully and lovingly-painted rocks underneath almost every tree.

Spreading positivity

In addition to being bright and colourful, most of the rocks included simple messages of positivity and encouragement.

Random acts of positivity

As I stopped to take pictures, a man walked by and said “They really bring a smile to your face, don’t they?” He was right. They sure did!

Painted rocks with positive messages

In addition to the rocks, someone had painted doors on wood blocks and placed them at the foot of many of the trees. As I looked at them, I imagined fairies living in the trees and entering through the doors. Again, something so simple but it really lifted my spirits!

Painted wooden doors

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Pinterest image: Yellow smiley faces

Some ideas you can try!

I hope whoever took the time to paint and carefully place those treasures knows how much they mean to people walking along the trail. It’s easy to think you can’t have an impact but every kind word or positive act makes a difference for someone. Here are 5 ideas for random acts of positivity that can brighten someone’s day:

Random acts of positivity
  • Write a letter or send a nice card. If you can’t get out to mail a letter, send an e-card instead.
  • Drop off a home-made meal or some baking.
  • Offer to pick up a few items for them when you’re shopping.
  • Record and share a personal message, song or poem.
  • Make an uplifting playlist and share it.

While the pandemic is largely behind us, many people are still struggling. Make a point of checking in on anyone you’re concerned about. It could make all the difference.

An uplifting poem

Here’s another example of a random act of positivity that I experienced. Early one Sunday morning a few weeks ago, I opened my email to see a message from my dear friend Pat. Her emails are always cheerful but this one was extra special. It was an inspirational poem she had written about the pandemic. Pat’s daughter Cher published the poem on her blog The Chicago Files. She also included a recording of Pat reading the poem. Give it a listen. It’s beautiful.

What ideas do you have to spread positivity in our everyday life? Tell us below.

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Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

29 thoughts on “Make someone smile with random acts of positivity

    1. Thanks Monty. It’s a post I originally wrote three years ago in the early days of the pandemic. But we need positivity just as much now as we did then!

  1. Pingback: A reflection on freedom and pandemic life - Boomer Eco Crusader
  2. I was looking for something uplifting and this was perfect! I’m going to share this on our Facebook page on Thursday. I hope some people head over here to read and are uplifted by all those bright messages. I think the little doors are just the cutest!

    1. Thank you so much. Yes, I am always intrigued by the doors. They really spark some imaginative thinking. These rocks have been so uplifting for us over the last few months.

  3. I love this! I’ve seen painted rocks around my house. It really does brighten your day.
    The little doors are absolutely awesome! I haven’t seen any of those. I may have to do that around my neighborhood. Hopefully it’ll brighten other people’s days.

    Thank you for sharing!

  4. Thank you so much for this post, it literally put a smile on my face when I saw the colorful rocks with the cutest messages ! 😊

  5. I love the rocks. We’ve seen lots on our walks around where we live. My children were keen to contribute, but unfortunately the effort of finding actual rocks was all too much for them! I’m considering making a rockery with the ones I got for them!

    1. Thanks for reading. Yes, I can imagine it would be difficult to find the right size and shape of rocks so you could paint them.

  6. This is so lovely, Michelle! Talk about great ideas that make a world of difference! Thank YOU for also including a link to my Mum’s poem! That is so thoughtful of you and very appreciated! Cher xo

I'd love to hear your ideas. Drop me a comment below.

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