If you want to declutter and need a little boost to get started, a 31-Day Declutter Challenge may be just what you need. I completed this challenge in late 2020. It helped get me serious about simplifying life and clearing the clutter. Read on to find out how the challenge works, what I hoped to accomplish, and what I learned.
Eco-Friendly Blog Takeover – Week One
Welcome to the first edition of my Blog Takeover. In this new feature, I turn my blog over to other bloggers and writers to share their thoughts and tips on waste reduction and eco-friendly living.
Today’s post features submissions from three great bloggers. I encourage you to visit their blogs to see what they’ve got to offer. I hope you enjoy their work as much as I do.
15 reasons to love your local library
When was the last time you visited your local library? If it has been a while, it might be time to take another look. Libraries play an important role in our communities and we need them. Read on for 15 reasons to love your local library—and many of them have nothing to do with books.
Creative Christmas gifts for people who don’t want stuff
Ahh…the perfect Christmas gift! Does such a thing even exist? At this time of year, we’re inundated with ads claiming to have the perfect gift for everyone on our list. But what do you do for people on your list who don’t want more stuff? Today’s post has creative Christmas gift ideas for minimalists and declutterers.