Tag: Decluttering

The Sunday Spark

The Sunday Spark – Dry Feb is underway!

February is here so it’s the start of Dry Feb—a fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society where participants pledge to give up alcohol for a month.

In this week’s edition of The Sunday Spark, why I decided to do Dry Feb. Plus: the positive health impact of Ikigai, the brain-based benefits of writing longhand, Norway’s success in electric vehicle adoption, and closet decluttering.

The Sunday Spark

The Sunday Spark – Am I ready to be an empty nester?

Earlier this week my daughter left for an extended work trip. It’s quiet around the house without her, which has me asking the question all parents ask at some point: Am I ready be be an empty nester?

In addition to pondering filling the empty nest, the 50th edition of The Sunday Spark discusses rising sugar prices, The Carbon Almanac’s kids page, the reducetarian diet, and decluttering kitchen counters.

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