Tag: Eco Friendly

Reduce Reuse Recycle

A year of weekly sustainable living goals – Free download

Happy New Year! If your goal for the new year is to live a greener lifestyle, you’re in the right place. To help you reduce your environmental impact, I’ve put together a list of 52 weekly sustainable living goals. Download your free checklist, join the challenge, and let’s make this the greenest year ever!

Climate Change

Spending time in nature – Just what the doctor ordered!

Is spending time in nature just what the doctor ordered? This month’s lead post in the Climate Change Collective is from Alison at A Sustainably Simple Life who tells the story of her experience disconnecting from the world and reconnecting with nature. As I read Alison’s story, I recalled a program I heard about recently where doctors prescribe spending time in nature for their patients


Is bamboo sustainable? Here’s what I learned

Is bamboo sustainable? A few weeks ago, I replaced an old threadbare set of bamboo sheets. When I bought them several years ago, I didn’t give any thought to bamboo as a sustainable choice. I chose them because someone told me they are super soft, and cool for hot summer nights. This time I did some research to learn more about this plant and to find out if it’s as sustainable as many people think.

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