After looking at my blog stats for this year, I’ve decided we need to make 2024 the year of more fun at work. Find out why in week 46 of The Sunday Spark. Also this week: reasons to buy local Christmas trees, sustainable tire options, and low-waste gift wrap.
Spending time in nature – Just what the doctor ordered!
Is spending time in nature just what the doctor ordered? This month’s lead post in the Climate Change Collective is from Alison at A Sustainably Simple Life who tells the story of her experience disconnecting from the world and reconnecting with nature. As I read Alison’s story, I recalled a program I heard about recently where doctors prescribe spending time in nature for their patients
The Sunday Spark – The power of an hour
In week 41 of The Sunday Spark, how a focused bonus hour helped me overcome procrastination. Plus, biodegradable poppies, sustainable dye for jeans, skimpflation, and saying no to glitter.
The link between climate change and food insecurity
The latest post in the Climate Change Collective series is from Caroline at Enviroline Blog, who looks at the connection between climate change and food insecurity. Food insecurity is not just an issue in the developing world.
Helpful Waste Reduction Week tips for your household
In Canada, the third week of October is designated as Waste Reduction Week. My journey to reduce waste started with one simple swap. That one swap led to another, and another, and ultimately to a focus on simplicity and sustainability. Today’s post is a roundup of some of my top tips to help you reduce waste.
The Sunday Spark – Thanksgiving and gratitude in 2023
Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian readers. In week 38 of The Sunday Spark, a reflection on thanksgiving and gratitude. Plus: the environmental impact of rice, eco-friendly hair dye options, expanding the EV charging network, and sustainable Halloween decorations.
Is bamboo sustainable? Here’s what I learned
Is bamboo sustainable? A few weeks ago, I replaced an old threadbare set of bamboo sheets. When I bought them several years ago, I didn’t give any thought to bamboo as a sustainable choice. I chose them because someone told me they are super soft, and cool for hot summer nights. This time I did some research to learn more about this plant and to find out if it’s as sustainable as many people think.
It’s time for a climate change fact check
The latest post in the Climate Change Collective series is from Molly at Transatlantic Notes who debunks some climate change myths you’ve likely heard many times from those who deny climate change is real.
The best way to fight back is to do a climate change fact check.
Is a long hot summer too much of a good thing?
The Climate Change Collective is an initiative where the blogging community unites behind a common goal. As countries around the world suffer through another long hot summer, Jamie from JamieAdStories keeps the conversation going with some ideas on policy change to reverse global warming.
Throwback Thursday – School supplies you don’t need to buy
As the calendar flips to August, it’s time to start thinking about back-to-school shopping. Today’s Throwback Thursday post from 2020 can help you reduce waste and save hundreds of dollars on school supplies.