Tag: gift giving


This Christmas, give experiences instead of things

If you’re a regular reader, you know I have spent the last few years decluttering and getting rid of unwanted items. At Christmas, the last thing I want or need is more stuff. Today’s post considers why gifts of experiences instead of things will likely be a hit with most people. Plus, 12 ideas for experiences that will be sure to please just about anyone on your Christmas list.


‘Tis the season for charitable giving

One of the best things about Christmas is the spirit of giving. There’s nothing like the excitement in the eyes of a child on Christmas morning, or the expression of happiness when someone opens that perfect gift you worked so hard to find. Christmas is also an opportunity for those of us who are able to help others through charitable giving. Today, I’ve got 6 ways you can spread a little joy to someone in need this holiday season.


Ultimate list of stocking stuffers for kids

There’s nothing more festive than the sight of stockings hung by the fireplace. In 33 great ideas for sustainable stocking stuffers, I shared ideas for sustainable ways to fill those stockings. Over the next few days, I’ve got ultimate lists of stocking stuffers for everyone on your Christmas list. Today, I’ll kick things off with stocking stuffers for kids and babies.

Holidays & celebrations

Green your holidays with 10 low-waste gift wrap ideas

When you’re trying to reduce waste and live a more sustainable life, there’s nothing more dismaying than filling garbage bags with discarded wrapping paper at the end of Christmas celebrations.

Today’s post has 10 low-waste gift wrap ideas to reduce the impact of your holiday celebrations.

Holidays & celebrations

Creative Christmas gifts for people who don’t want stuff

Ahh…the perfect Christmas gift! Does such a thing even exist? At this time of year, we’re inundated with ads claiming to have the perfect gift for everyone on our list. But what do you do for people on your list who don’t want more stuff? Today’s post has creative Christmas gift ideas for minimalists and declutterers.

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