Tag: Goals

Great reads

April 2023 roundup – Great reads and goals update

And just like that it’s May and a third of 2023 has flown by. April was a strange month for me, which you’ll see in my monthly goals update. On a positive note, I’ve selected five fabulous blog posts from some excellent writers, including a couple of new faces whose posts I haven’t shared before.

Read on for posts on BMI, lies the fashion and beauty industry want you to believe, time travelling through old photos, light pollution, and a climate-change poem. Happy reading!

Great reads

Atomic Habits review: 6 helpful things I learned

In January, James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, spoke at my workplace’s global speaker series. The timing was perfect as I had decided at the beginning of this year to take a different approach to goals. Clear’s talk piqued my curiosity enough that I decided to read the book. Today’s review is a summary of the key messages I took away from the book, and how I’m adopting these learnings in my daily life.

Great reads

Sharing the love in my January 2023 roundup

Happy Valentine’s Day and welcome to my January 2023 roundup. In addition to a progress report on my January goals, I’m delighted to share six fabulous posts from five of of my favourite bloggers.

Read on for posts on revving up your productivity, why less is better, the trouble with the “Isms”, adopting simple self-care ideas, saying “no” to consumerism, and living a frugal life.

Reduce Reuse Recycle

A year of monthly waste reduction goals

For many people, the new year is a time to set goals and make plans. Truthfully, there’s nothing magical about turning the calendar page to January 1, but it does give us an opportunity to reflect and think about the path we’re on. If you’ve set a goal to reduce waste and live a greener life, my list of 12 easy monthly waste reduction goals is a great place to start.

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