Tag: Goals

Simple Living Sunday

Simple Living Sunday – Small steps to improve our patience

Are you a patient person? How do you react to a long line at the supermarket checkout, or a traffic jam on your way home from work? In a world where we demand quick service and instant results, minor inconveniences quickly escalate into major stressors. We’re just not willing to wait for anything.

Today, on Simple Living Sunday, we’ll take a deep breath and look for ways to improve our patience.

Cleaning & laundry

How to green your cleaning routines

It’s time to dish the dirt on cleaning. Let’s face it, it’s a necessary evil that no-one really enjoys. The November goal in our Year of monthly waste reduction goals is to reduce waste in our cleaning products. Today’s post will focus on how you can green your cleaning routines and adopt sustainable methods that will reduce waste, protect your family’s health, and save you time and money.

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