There’s nothing like a homemade meal but sometimes you just feel like a break from cooking. Eating out or getting takeout food is such a nice treat, especially at the end of a long week at work. My family enjoys getting takeout, but we don’t like when it comes packaged in plastic, or the dreaded Styrofoam, containers.
Ditch your plastic soap bottles – for good!
September is here. We still have a few more weeks of summer, but I’ve noticed a definite chill in the air on a few mornings recently. The monthly goal for September in our 2020 Waste Reduction Challenge is to get rid of plastic bottles of hand and face soap.
Because of the pandemic, 2020 has been a difficult year for waste reduction. If you’re looking for an easy way to get started with reducing waste, you’re in luck. This month’s goal is one of the simplest changes to make.
August goal – No more cotton balls and swabs
And just like that it’s August. With Plastic Free July behind us, it’s time to refocus on our regular monthly goals in the Year of monthly waste reduction goals challenge. This month’s goal is to eliminate cotton balls, pads and swabs.
No more sandwich bags and plastic wrap
It’s day one of our Plastic Free July Challenge. If you haven’t yet made the decision to join in, maybe this month’s goal in the Year of monthly waste reduction goals will be the idea to get you started. Our July goal is no more sandwich bags and plastic wrap.
It’s time to say no to travel toiletries
June’s goal in our Year of monthly waste reduction goals challenge is to eliminate travel toiletries. As post-pandemic travel continues to ramp up, it’s a good time to develop some new habits. With a little planning, you can easily pack everything you need, and avoid sending tiny plastic bottles of shampoo, body wash and conditioner to landfill.
May goal – say no to disposable plastic cutlery
The May goal in our Year of monthly waste reduction goals is to eliminate disposable plastic cutlery. Unlike other single-use plastic, most municipal recycling programs don’t accept plastic cutlery, meaning it goes straight from your plate to the landfill. But, there are alternatives!
April goal – Plastic shampoo and conditioner bottles
The April goal in our Year of monthly waste reduction goals is to eliminate plastic shampoo and conditioner bottles. Not only is this simple change good for the environment, but will save you a lot of money.
March goal – Make your laundry day plastic free
March’s goal in our 2020 waste reduction challenge is to eliminate laundry supplies in plastic jugs. For me, transitioning to a zero-waste laundry routine has been one of the easiest changes I have made.
February goal: no single-use beverage containers
Reducing waste and living more sustainable starts with one easy swap at a time. This month’s goal in the Year of monthly waste reduction goals challenge is getting rid of single use beverage containers. It’s an easy change that will make a big difference.
January goal – no more disposable shopping bags
January’s waste reduction goal is to eliminate disposable shopping bags. This simple change can reduce a lot of waste. Think about it. If you make two trips to the store each week and use an average of five disposable bags on each visit, that’s over 500 bags a year.