And just like that, it’s May. Here in southern Ontario, April mostly felt like another month of winter, with spring weather making a few fleeting guest appearances to tease us and leave us longing for more. As we hope for better weather in May, let’s heat things up with my April roundup of awesome blog posts.
Learn more with these Earth Day activities
Happy Earth Day! This year’s theme is Invest in Our Planet. The call to action is for all businesses, governments and citizens to demonstrate courage and accountability, and take action. If you’re looking for Earth Day activities, today’s post is a roundup of ways to learn more about the environmental crisis facing our beautiful planet Earth.
Green travel tips to reduce your carbon footprint
With pandemic restrictions easing, you may be starting to make travel plans. While it’s exciting to discover faraway places, the environmental impact of travel is something to be concerned about. Today’s post has green travel tips to keep in mind when planning your next getaway, and a checklist of items to pack to reduce waste and lessen your impact during your trip.
How to have an eco-friendly Easter celebration
Can you believe Easter is almost here? For Christians around the world, this is the most joyful season of all as we celebrate the victory of good over evil. Like other holidays, our Easter festivities aren’t always kind to the planet. If you’re looking for green and eco-friendly Easter celebration ideas, read on for tips on everything from Easter chocolate to spring outfits.
March 2022 roundup of inspiring blog posts
It’s April and the first quarter of 2022 is behind us. The calendar might say it’s spring, but old man winter isn’t ready to release his grip just yet. As pandemic restrictions relax, I’ve noticed a drop-off in blog activity. Nevertheless, those who are still actively blogging continue to put out amazing content. Read on for my March 2022 roundup of 5 inspiring March blog posts.
Simple ideas for a green and sustainable spring
It’s April Fool’s Day. Will you be playing any pranks on your loved ones and co-workers? I thought about posting some sort of joke or silly prank but couldn’t come up with any good ideas. Instead, I’ll leave the joking for others and continue to celebrate spring. If you’re looking to adopt some new eco-friendly habits, today’s post has ten ideas for a green and sustainable spring.
10 fun ways to celebrate Earth Hour
Earth Hour is tomorrow evening at 8:30 p.m. You may be a regular participant, thinking about participating in Earth Hour for the first time, or just looking for something to do on Saturday night. No matter which camp you fall into, you won’t want to miss my list of 10 things to do during Earth Hour.
Do you know the 5 Rs of waste reduction?
Today is Global Recycling Day, a day to recognize and celebrate the importance of recycling in preserving our resources and securing the future of our planet. To mark the occasion, today’s post will look at the impact of recycling, and why we need to look beyond the blue box and adopt the 5 Rs of waste reduction.
40 things I no longer buy (and don’t really need)
One of the most common excuses I hear against adopting a greener lifestyle is “it’s too expensive.” That’s why I get frustrated when I see articles like Everything you need to buy to go zero waste. Living a more sustainable life doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. In many ways, it can save you money. As proof, today’s post is a roundup of 40 things I no longer buy since going green.
What is the true environmental cost of NFTs?
The popularity of NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, exploded in 2021. Six months ago, I had never heard of them. Now, hardly a day goes by that I don’t hear something about them, and their impact on the environment. Today’s post will look at what NFTs are, how they work, and why they’re used. Finally, I’ll explore the true environmental cost of NFTs.