Our consumer-driven world conditions us to always want more. But you can simplify life and save money by taking a more thoughtful approach to shopping. What does mindfulness have to do with shopping? Read on for mindful shopping tips to save you money and declutter your life.
Book review: Refocus on “Things That Matter”
In the first edition of The Sunday Spark for the year, I revealed intentionality as my theme for 2025. To start the year off right, I set a goal for January to reread Things That Matter – Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life by Joshua Becker. In today’s post, I review the book and share how I’m planning to use what I learned in my life.
Decluttering challenge – Week 48 – Toys & games
Christmas is coming and children are counting the sleeps until Santa’s arrival. This is the best time of year for decluttering toys and games. You will free up some space for any new items you receive at Christmas. And it’s an excellent time to donate toys to charity shops, or try to sell them, as parents may be looking for bargains.
Decluttering challenge – Week 32 – Paper files & filing cabinets
It’s week 32 of the 52-Week Decluttering Challenge. Last week, we made a start on our home office by clearing out our desk drawers and office supplies. This week, we continue that work by decluttering paper files and filing cabinets.
Decluttering challenge – Week 28 – Closet organizing and decluttering
When it comes to closet decluttering, most people immediately think of clothing. But what else is lurking in your closet?
In weeks 5 to 12 of the 52-Week Decluttering Challenge, we decluttered and organized our clothing and accessories. This week, we’re doing a different kind of closet decluttering, focusing on all the other stuff. I’ve also got some tips for dealing with kids’ artwork.
Decluttering challenge – Week 25 – China Cabinet
This week’s task in the 52-Week Decluttering Challenge is one that’s bound to inspire debate on usefulness versus sentimentality. If you have a china cabinet, you’ll know exactly what I mean. Are you ready for china cabinet decluttering week?
Decluttering challenge – Week 21 – Clutter-free bathroom – Tub & shower
Welcome to Week 21 of the 52-Week Decluttering Challenge. This week, we wrap up our journey to a clutter-free bathroom by clearing out and organizing the area around the tub and shower.
Decluttering challenge – Week 19 – Bathroom counters
Have you had a good look at your bathroom counters lately? Are they in need of decluttering? Welcome to week 19 of the 52-Week Decluttering Challenge. This week, we continue our bathroom clean-up by decluttering our bathroom counters.
Decluttering challenge – Week 18 – Bathroom drawers
Do you have any idea what’s lurking in your bathroom drawers? If you’re like me, you probably haven’t got a clue. In week 18 of the 52-Week Decluttering Challenge, we’re going to venture into the unknown. Yes, I’m talking about decluttering bathroom drawers. I promise it will be an adventure.
Decluttering challenge – Week 15 – Media
Welcome to week 15 of the 52-Week Decluttering Challenge. This week, we continue our living and family room clean-up by organizing and decluttering media—CDs, DVDs, records and even cassettes. If you have a large media collection, you’ll want to join in.