This week on Throwback Thursday, I bring back a post I wrote in 2019, long before I started decluttering.
It originally focused on low-waste gift ideas. But these are also the best gifts for minimalists and declutterers.
Live Green | Declutter | Simplify Life
This week on Throwback Thursday, I bring back a post I wrote in 2019, long before I started decluttering.
It originally focused on low-waste gift ideas. But these are also the best gifts for minimalists and declutterers.
Black Friday is behind us and tomorrow is Cyber Monday. Everywhere you turn, the pressure is on to spend money. Today’s Simple Living Sunday post is about casting aside the commercialism and focusing on a more important day—Giving Tuesday. There are many who need help and many ways to give.
It happened. After two years of diligent decluttering, I finally hit the wall. For several reasons, October was a complete bust on the decluttering front. It had to happen eventually. Never fear, though! This month’s decluttering update has 12 ways to get back on track after losing the motivation to declutter. Are you ready to kick things into high gear?
Between high interest rates and out-of-control inflation, 2022 has taken a toll on wallets and bank balances around the world. November is Financial Literacy Month in Canada, and this week is Talk Money Week in the U.K. There feels like no better time to dive into the advantages of frugality and share a roundup of frugal living tips that will simplify your life and save you money!
When you begin decluttering, it makes sense to start with the most obvious areas—places you can see or things that will have an immediate impact. Once the low-hanging fruit is out of the way, there are still many more opportunities to declutter and simplify.
This month’s decluttering update has a list of 7 areas you may overlook when decluttering.
Are you familiar with the Diderot Effect? Even if you don’t have a name for it, I’m willing to bet you’ve experienced its effects on your life. Most of us have. It’s a common side effect of a consumer culture that conditions us to want new things, even when our old things are perfectly fine.
Read on to learn about the Diderot Effect, and get tips on how you can control its impact on your life.
Who do you allow to influence you? In our consumption-driven society, the term influencer has become synonymous with consumerism and keeping up with the Joneses Kardashians.
This week’s Simple Living Sunday post explores the rise of influencer marketing, and how you can reject it and choose the right influencers for your life.
One of the biggest barriers to decluttering for many people is what I call what-if-I-need-it syndrome. Many people worry that they’ll get rid of something and later wish they hadn’t, so they hang on to things “just in case.”
In this month’s decluttering update, I address decluttering regret and why you shouldn’t let this fear hold you back.
Life can be tough. Some days, it’s hard to find the motivation to keep going. To celebrate Never Give Up Day on August 18, this week’s Simple Living Sunday post is all about perseverance. Read on for tips to help you know when it’s time to dig in and keep going, and when it’s okay to walk away.
It’s National Give Something Away Day, a perfect day to share this month’s decluttering update. The idea behind the day is to encourage people to be thoughtful and generous while helping others.
But, what if someone doesn’t want the item you’re trying to give away? And how should you respond when someone tries to give you something you don’t want? Those tricky scenarios are the focus of this month’s update.