This week’s edition of The Sunday Spark discusses daily purpose moments—simple ways you can brighten someone’s day. Plus: memory-boosting benefits of exercise, the effectiveness of London’s low-emission zones, bear facts to celebrate World Bear Day, and simplifying life with a budget.
What’s the big deal about sustainable investing?
ESG. SRI. Impact investing. Sustainable investing. As an investor trying to make good choices for your savings, you may have heard these terms. But what do they mean and why does any of this matter? This primer on sustainable investing will help you make sense of the alphabet soup and jargon used by investment managers and financial institutions.
Decluttering challenge – Week 45 – Financial decluttering and organizing tips
When we think of decluttering, money isn’t usually the first thing that leaps to mind. But our finances can be just as cluttered and disorganized as anything else we own. November is Financial Literacy Month in Canada, so it’s a good time for some financial decluttering in our 52-Week Decluttering Challenge. You won’t want to miss my top 10 financial decluttering and organizing tips.
Throwback Thursday – Apply mindfulness principles to your shopping
Are you an impulse shopper? When you look at your credit card bill, do you have difficulty remembering what some of the charges were for? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you may need to bring mindfulness principles to your shopping habits.
10 ways to save on home heating costs this winter
Halloween is behind us, and the Northern Hemisphere has “fallen back” to standard time. Like it or not, winter is just around the corner. In this month’s lead post for the Climate Change Collective, Molly from Transatlantic Notes has a roundup of useful tips on how to be sustainable this winter. To complement Molly’s piece, today’s post features 10 ways to save on home heating costs this winter.
60 valuable life lessons I’ve learned in 60 years
Good morning! I’m away from my devices this weekend so The Sunday Spark will be back next week. Yesterday was my 60th birthday. To celebrate this milestone, I put together a list of 60 life lessons from my years on this planet. I hope you’ll enjoy reading them.
Throwback Thursday – Frugal tips to save money this Christmas
With just over two weeks to go until Christmas, you’re probably making a list and, thanks to the high cost of living, checking it more than twice. If you’re looking for ways to save money this Christmas, you’re in the right place.
Roundup of ways to simplify your Christmas celebrations
One of my favourite lines in the movie Christmas Vacation is, “I don’t know what to say except it’s Christmas and we’re all in misery.” If you’re feeling a bit like Ellen Griswold as Christmas approaches, you’re in the right place! Today’s post is a roundup of ideas to help you get back to basics and simplify your Christmas celebrations.
Throwback Thursday – Say NO to Black Friday
Tomorrow is Black Friday, but did you know it’s also Buy Nothing Day?
Today’s Throwback Thursday post is from 2021. It looks at alternatives to Black Friday shopping for those who want so simplify life and tame the out-of-control consumption that’s harming our health and our planet.
Throwback Thursday – On FIRE (Financial independence and retiring early)
Financial independence is a fabulous goal, and something we should all be working towards. But, what about the other half of the F.I.R.E. movement? In an age of longevity, is retiring early realistic?
Today, I bring back a post from 2021 that looks at the pros and cons of F.I.R.E., and whether it’s a realistic goal for the masses.