It’s time for another update as I continue to work toward my ambitious goal of reading 1000 books. My winter reading update covers what I’ve been reading in November, December, and January, along with a peek at what’s next on my reading list.
Fall reading update – The road to 1000 books
Earlier this year, I set an ambitious goal to read 1000 books—something I expect will take me many years. My fall reading update covers what I read from July 27 to October 31, and a peek at what’s next on my reading list.
Paperback Book Day – Time for a reading update
Today is Paperback Book Day—a day set aside to celebrate a creation that changed the nature of reading forever. What better day to publish the first progress update on my retirement goal to read 1000 books!
The Sunday Spark – How long will it take me to read 1000 books?
In this week’s edition of The Sunday Spark, I discuss how long I think it will take to reach my retirement goal of reading 1000 books. Plus: the best plant-based milk for the environment, the world’s largest solar power site, why water is a precious resource, and decluttering books and magazines.
Atomic Habits review: 6 helpful things I learned
In January, James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, spoke at my workplace’s global speaker series. The timing was perfect as I had decided at the beginning of this year to take a different approach to goals. Clear’s talk piqued my curiosity enough that I decided to read the book. Today’s review is a summary of the key messages I took away from the book, and how I’m adopting these learnings in my daily life.