It’s almost summer! For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice—marking the official arrival of summer—takes place tomorrow at 10:58 ET. Are you excited? To celebrate the long hot days ahead, read on for 25 simple and fun summer activities that won’t break the bank.
Hidden joys and benefits of sustainable living
When I started this blog, my mantra was that sustainable living is about progress not perfection. A recent blog post from Cecilia at The Kitchen’s Garden made me pause and think about how my approach has evolved. As I pondered the question “What kind of environmentalist am I?”, I considered all the benefits of sustainable living. Read on to find out what I discovered.
Simple space saving tips for smaller homes
It has been a while since I’ve done a decluttering or organizing post, so I went to my idea list for some inspiration. One of the items on my list came from a reader who left a comment asking for tips on staying organized in smaller spaces. Read on for a roundup of space saving tips for smaller homes.
Throwback Thursday – Simple living lessons from mum
Mother’s Day is coming up on Sunday. To celebrate, this week’s Throwback Thursday post is a post from 2020 with a roundup of simple living lessons I learned from my mum.
When progress isn’t progress – Let’s look back to move forward
The Climate Change Collective conversation continues with the ninth post in the series. My blogging pal from Smelly Socks and Garden Peas wrote an insightful post on how returning to past habits can be a way out of the mess we’ve created for our planet. This made me think that sometimes what we call progress isn’t progress at all, and we need to look back to move forward.
Atomic Habits review: 6 helpful things I learned
In January, James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, spoke at my workplace’s global speaker series. The timing was perfect as I had decided at the beginning of this year to take a different approach to goals. Clear’s talk piqued my curiosity enough that I decided to read the book. Today’s review is a summary of the key messages I took away from the book, and how I’m adopting these learnings in my daily life.
6 ways to reduce the environmental cost of experiences
In the eighth post in the Climate Change Collective series, I explore the environmental cost of the experiences that have replaced material goods for many who are looking to simplify their lives. Read on to learn why we can’t ignore the impact, and for ways to reduce the environmental cost of experiences.
Throwback Thursday – What is minimalism anyway?
What is minimalism? Does the word conjure up images of empty rooms, bare walls, and living a life deprived of all possessions? This week on Throwback Thursday, I bring back one of my favourite posts from 2021 that explores these ideas.
Life lessons we can learn from ducks
Like many creatures in the animal world, ducks are fascinating. In Surprising health benefits of waking, I discussed how stopping at the pond to see the ducks is a highlight of my daily walks in the spring and summer. Today, I’ll expand on that with some observations on life lessons we can learn from ducks.
5 helpful tips for building a capsule wardrobe (Guest Post)
Have you ever considered a capsule wardrobe? It’s something that intrigues me but, despite my ongoing efforts to declutter my closet, I’ve never taken the leap. Today’s post is a guest post from one of my favourite bloggers. Bee from Mind Beauty Simplicity shares things to consider when building a capsule wardrobe.