In one of my very first blog posts, I introduced three unwrapped—or naked—bar products that had helped me as I started my waste reduction journey. Replacing plastic bottles with bars is the simplest plastic-free swap you can make. Today’s post is a roundup of all my favourite bar products. I hope it will inspire you to give one or two of them a try.
Since that early post, I’ve added many more bars to my personal care and household routines. Today’s post is a roundup of all my favourite bar products. I hope it will inspire you to give one or two of them a try.
Carrot or stick? Which works better to reduce our environmental footprint?
The Climate Change Collective is an initiative where the blogging community unites behind a common goal. This month, I’m leading off the conversation with a look at the effectiveness of programs that provide incentives or penalties to encourage people to reduce their environmental footprint. Do people respond better to the carrot or the stick?
The Sunday Spark – Driving outside my comfort zone
And just like that, I’m back from my vacation in Ireland. It was a wonderful trip that I’m so glad I was able to make happen for my mum. The 77th edition of The Sunday Spark recaps the highlights of our 16 days on the Emerald Isle and how I travelled far beyond my comfort zone doing something I swore I’d never do.
What you need to know about the lifecycle of plastic
The Climate Change Collective is an initiative where the blogging community unites behind a common goal. As Plastic Free July wraps up for another year, this month’s lead post is from Alison at A Sustainably Simple life, who provides an informative look at the lifecycle of plastic and why it’s a problem for the environment.
The Sunday Spark – Celebrating milestones
This coming week marks our 30th wedding anniversary, my 60th birthday, and my 5th “blogiversary”. This week’s edition of The Sunday Spark considers these milestone celebrations. Plus: Australia’s takeout coffee cup ban, the history of paperback books, and night table decluttering.
Small steps that make a big difference
The Climate Change Collective is an initiative where the blogging community unites behind a common goal. This month’s lead post is from Caroline at Enviroline Blog, who discusses Plastic Free July and small steps that make a big difference for the environment.
Are you ready for Plastic Free July 2024?
Plastic Free July 2024 is almost here. Again this year, I’ve put together a free downloadable and printable calendar of simple plastic-free swaps. I hope you’ll join me in rethinking your relationship with plastic this July. The health of the planet, and even your own health, depends on it.
Digging for the truth about compostable plastic
Compostable plastic products are popping up on store shelves more often. Are they a real solution to our plastics problem or just another example of greenwashing? As Learn About Composting Day is coming up on May 29, I decided to do some research. Read on to find out what I learned.
The Sunday Spark – Seeking the pause that refreshes
Without googling, do you know which company made the slogan “the pause that refreshes” famous?
In this week’s edition of The Sunday Spark, I share my plans for a pause that refreshes. Plus: facts about EV fires, workplace transportation perks, Toronto’s new bylaw to reduce single-use cups, and decluttering living area table surfaces.
Helpful Waste Reduction Week tips for your household
In Canada, the third week of October is designated as Waste Reduction Week. My journey to reduce waste started with one simple swap. That one swap led to another, and another, and ultimately to a focus on simplicity and sustainability. Today’s post is a roundup of some of my top tips to help you reduce waste.