The Climate Change Collective is an initiative where the blogging community unites behind a common goal. In the most recent post in the series, Molly from Transatlantic Notes discusses why climate action doesn’t need to be perfect. This aligns perfectly with my philosophy around the environmental impact of small changes.
The environmental impact of online shopping
Do you shop online, or do you prefer old-fashioned brick-and-mortar stores? After hearing that online shopping is better for the environment than in-person purchases, I decided to do some research into the environmental impact of online shopping. What I learned might surprise you.
The Sunday Spark – Word on the street says…I’m retiring
We announced my retirement date at work this week. In this week’s edition of The Sunday Spark, I discuss why I have a hard time saying the word retirement, along with three ways mushrooms are helping the planet, and the daunting task of decluttering t-shirts and sweatshirts.
January 2024 roundup – Great reads and goals update
January was a strange month. In some ways it flew by, but the dreary foggy weather made it feel long at the same time. Let’s hope we see the sun a little more in February.
Read on for my monthly goals update, and terrific posts on kitchen scrap gardening, being a responsible steward when visiting nature reserves, and Canned Food Month.
The Sunday Spark – Dry Feb is underway!
February is here so it’s the start of Dry Feb—a fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society where participants pledge to give up alcohol for a month.
In this week’s edition of The Sunday Spark, why I decided to do Dry Feb. Plus: the positive health impact of Ikigai, the brain-based benefits of writing longhand, Norway’s success in electric vehicle adoption, and closet decluttering.
It’s cold outside – The difference between weather and climate
The Climate Change Collective is an initiative where the blogging community unites behind a common goal—spreading awareness of environmental issues. This month, I have the pleasure of writing the lead post. It’s about a distinction many people don’t make when the temperature turns cold in winter—the difference between weather and climate.
The Sunday Spark – Am I ready to be an empty nester?
Earlier this week my daughter left for an extended work trip. It’s quiet around the house without her, which has me asking the question all parents ask at some point: Am I ready be be an empty nester?
In addition to pondering filling the empty nest, the 50th edition of The Sunday Spark discusses rising sugar prices, The Carbon Almanac’s kids page, the reducetarian diet, and decluttering kitchen counters.
Tiny forests – Guest post for Happy Eco News
Tiny forests, also known as microforests, are taking root in communities all over the world. Today, I’m delighted to share a guest post I wrote on this topic for Happy Eco News.
Resolve to choose sustainable gift wrap this year
In this month’s Climate Change Collective post, Jamie from JamieAdStories tackles one of my gift-giving pet peeves—wrapping! Christmas may be over for another year, but resolving to choose sustainable gift wrap all year round would be a big win for the Earth.
A year of weekly sustainable living goals – Free download
Happy New Year! If your goal for the new year is to live a greener lifestyle, you’re in the right place. To help you reduce your environmental impact, I’ve put together a list of 52 weekly sustainable living goals. Download your free checklist, join the challenge, and let’s make this the greenest year ever!