Tag: Work

The Sunday Spark

The Sunday Spark – We all need a little nudge sometimes

Are you procrastinating over something? What’s holding you back? You might just need a little nudge. That’s what I got this week when I attended the Retirement Coaches Association conference.

In addition to overcoming procrastination, this week’s edition of The Sunday Spark discusses greenwashing ads, clean energy innovation, and decluttering outdoor toys.

Clutter Tales

Clutter Tales – Home office treasures bring back fond memories

When I cleared out my home office after I retired at the end of June, several treasures I found stashed away reminded me of the wide-reaching impact of technology on our workplaces. In today’s Clutter Tale, I share the story of three items that reminded me of how we found jobs, networked, and collaborated in the days before the Internet.

Clutter Tales

Clutter Tales – Don’t step on my blue suede bowling shoes!

When I decided to revisit my 52-Week Decluttering Challenge this year, I knew it was just a matter of time before I’d find something that would inspire me to reprise the Clutter Tales series. It took a few weeks into the year, but then I discovered my old blue suede bowling shoes. They brought back a lot of memories, but it was time to let them go.

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