Turning seeds of doubt into a fruitful harvest

Harvest of vegetables - Turning Seeds of Doubt Into a Fruitful Harvest
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Turning seeds of doubt into a fruitful harvest

Today I’m delighted to share a guest post I wrote for Cecilia at The Kitchen’s Garden. It’s all about my history as a writer, and how I overcame seeds of doubt and turned them into a fruitful harvest.

Pinterest optimized image: harvest of fruits and vegetables

If you’re not familiar with The Kitchen’s Garden, you’re going to love it. Cecilia is a New Zealander who runs an organic farm in Illinois. Her blog drew me in because of her strong message of simplicity and sustainability. Cecilia’s blog is a daily chronicle of life on the farm. Seeing pictures of the farm every day and hearing her stories is good for my soul, and it will be good for yours too!

A couple of weeks ago, Cecilia put out a call to her readers to write guest posts to keep her blog going during her time away from the farm. She asked us to share how and why we write, and how we fit writing into everything else in our lives.

Please drop by The Kitchen’s Garden to learn more about my writing journey. While you’re there, take a look at Cecilia’s terrific work. You’ll be glad you did!

Turning seeds of doubt into a fruitful harvest

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Before you go, I’m always interested in discovering new bloggers who share a positive message of sustainability and simplicity. If you’re a kindred spirit, please drop a link to your blog below. Together we can make a difference!

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Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

2 thoughts on “Turning seeds of doubt into a fruitful harvest

  1. Great post! I’ve been hanging out on WordPress since 2010 and can confirm that authenticity leads to staying power, and maybe that’s why this is such a great place to be–so much authenticity.

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