As we start to emerge from the pandemic, many employers are returning staff to the office. For a lot of people, working from home—at least part of the time—will be the new normal. If that’s the case for you, now is a good time to revisit your working habits. With that in mind, today’s post has eight easy tactics I use to stay energized when working from home.
February decluttering update – closets revisited
At the beginning of this year, I decided to go back and start the 52-Week Decluttering Challenge over from week one. Like last year, I’m keeping myself on track by sharing monthly progress updates, along with any new decluttering tips I learn along the way. With that in mind, it’s time for my February decluttering update.
Simple Living Sunday – Searching for a balanced life
What comes to mind when you hear the word balance? If you look it up in the dictionary, you’ll find different definitions. My favourite is from the Oxford dictionary: “a situation in which different things exist in equal, correct or good amounts.”
This week, on Simple Living Sunday, it’s time to restore equilibrium by reflecting on the elements of a balanced life, and identifying areas where we can make adjustments.
Monthly roundup – 7 fabulous February blog posts
As we say good-bye to February, there’s a sense of hope and anticipation in the air! It has been a long, hard winter so I’m excited for warmer weather as spring approaches. In Ontario, we’re finally seeing the end of some pandemic restrictions, so I’m hopeful for better times ahead. Although I felt like I didn’t spend as much time reading blogs last month, I did identify 7 fabulous February blog posts to share with you.
Retire retirement! Plan your best years now!
It’s ReFired Not Retired Day—a day dedicated to changing the way we think about how we’ll live the last third of our lives. Today, I’ll look at why the time may have come to retire retirement, and focus instead on creating a plan to make the most of our best years.
Simple Living Sunday – Small steps to improve our patience
Are you a patient person? How do you react to a long line at the supermarket checkout, or a traffic jam on your way home from work? In a world where we demand quick service and instant results, minor inconveniences quickly escalate into major stressors. We’re just not willing to wait for anything.
Today, on Simple Living Sunday, we’ll take a deep breath and look for ways to improve our patience.
Simple living quotes from really smart people
Simple living may be trendy these days, but it isn’t a new idea. In fact, philosophers and great thinkers have been talking about simplicity for centuries. Today, I’m turning my blog over to some of the wisdom that has been shared over the years with my favourite simple living quotes from some of the smartest people the world has ever known.
Time management tips to help you get more done today
Did you know today is Single Tasking Day? It’s a day to put multi-tasking aside and focus on getting a single task done. To mark the day, today’s post will look at the productivity cost of that task switching that we’re all guilty of. Then, I’ll provide time management tips to help you get more done, today and every day.
Simple Living Sunday – Active listening – Stop and listen
This week’s Simple Living Sunday theme is listening—a skill that’s in short supply as the pandemic protests and debates rage on and each side accuses the other of ignoring their concerns. Today, we’ll explore why it’s so difficult to put something we’re born with the ability to do into practice. Then, I’ve got three tips to improve your active listening skills.
What is the true environmental cost of NFTs?
The popularity of NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, exploded in 2021. Six months ago, I had never heard of them. Now, hardly a day goes by that I don’t hear something about them, and their impact on the environment. Today’s post will look at what NFTs are, how they work, and why they’re used. Finally, I’ll explore the true environmental cost of NFTs.