Is it possible to fail at retirement? Isn’t stepping away from a lifetime of work a ticket to instant happiness? For many people, it’s not so simple. Mike Drak’s latest book, Longevity Lifestyle by Design is a practical guide to creating a plan for your ideal post-career life.
Today’s post outlines what I learned from Mike’s new book, along with details on how you can get a free copy. Let’s help Mike achieve his goal of a million downloads.

I felt the need to write this book because I am concerned that many of the people who were recently forced, or who willingly jumped, into retirement are unprepared for what they will be facing. They will learn the hard way, like I eventually did, that retiring from work is simple; it’s figuring out what you are going to do with the rest of your life that is the hard part.
Mike Drak, Longevity Lifestyle by Design
Retirement is more complicated than we think
Many people view retirement as a destination—the final reward after a lifetime of work. A chance to relax and live a life of leisure.
But, with people living longer, is the model of retirement you’ve been working towards your entire life realistic or even desirable? Can you afford to—or do you really want to—spend 25 or 30 years lounging on a beach, travelling the world, or sitting on the couch watching Netflix? Or would you rather live a life of meaning and purpose?
Retire retirement! Plan your best years now! discusses the importance of a retirement lifestyle plan and how a retirement coach can help you plan for your best years.
The core of the latest book from Mike Drak & Friends is a step-by-step guide to design your longevity lifestyle. It’s a proven process that, if followed, can lead to a happy, successful and fulfilling second life after stepping away from your primary career.
About the author
Mike is a self-confessed “Retirement Rebel” who developed a passion for helping people avoid what he calls “Retirement Hell” after failing miserably at retirement following a 40-year career in banking.

I first met Mike a few years ago when he gave a presentation shortly after the release of his first book, Victory Lap Retirement. After hearing his talk, I read the book and was immediately sold on the idea of financial independence and a victory lap. (You can read my thoughts on Victory Lap Retirement in Is retirement dead? A look at the future of retirement)
I’ve stayed in touch with Mike ever since and even had the opportunity to review an early manuscript and provide feedback on his second book Retirement: Heaven or Hell. It’s another great read that builds on the idea of a new vision of life in our later years.
Longevity Lifestyle by Design – Redefining What Retirement Can Be is Mike’s third, and final, book. It’s a practical guide to help you create a plan for a purpose-filled and rewarding second life. Mike’s so excited about it that he’s giving the e-book away as a free download. I’ll give you details on that later but first, let’s open the book and learn a little more.
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Longevity Lifestyle by Design – What’s in the book?
The book is divided into four main sections:
- Part 1 – The New Retirement sets the stage by looking at five retirement life lessons from Mike’s personal experience and the people he’s met through his coaching work. This section also discusses fundamental needs in retirement and the role values play in determining success or failure. Finally, this section introduces five different retiree personas and the joys and challenges each will face. (For the record, I’m an “Angel” with a dash of “Unicorn”)
- Part 2 – The Secrets to a Long, Happy, Fulfilling Retirement outlines six core principles that are the key to a long and happy life.
- Part 3 – How to Design Your Ideal Longevity Lifestyle is where it all comes together. The book walks through a nine-step proven process to help you create a master plan for your second life. There’s also a companion worksheet available for download with the free e-book.
- Over the years, Mike has built a credible network of friends who are experts in all aspects of living and aging well. That’s where the “& Friends” piece of the author credit comes in. In Part 4 – Expert Perspectives, these experts share their wisdom on retirement realities for women, why men struggle in retirement, how the principles of lifestyle design apply to Millennials and future generations, why and how to adapt your home for your later years, and more.
The book is an easy and thoughtful read, and one you’ll come back to again and again as you create the vision for your second life.
10 key takeaways from Longevity Lifestyle by Design
There are so many nuggets of wisdom in the pages of this book. After reading Mike’s first two books and taking the retirement coaching course, much of the content was familiar to me. Even so, there were a few key messages and takeaways that stood out. Here are 10 of them:

- Retiring won’t magically solve all your problems. It could even create some new ones you didn’t expect.
- Retiring from your primary career is not the end of a journey. It’s a new beginning and an opportunity to create a happy and fulfilling second life.
- Pandemic restrictions gave many people a glimpse into the shock they might experience in retirement. If you struggled with the lockdowns, you may have difficulty adjusting to life in retirement.
- People grow old because they lose purpose, which ultimately leads to mental and physical decay.
- Many who end up in retirement hell are growth-oriented individuals who struggle to replace the meaning they got from their work.
- Working—for pay or in a volunteer capacity— isn’t just about money. It’s a way to add meaning to your life.
- Designing a retirement lifestyle takes time, thought and planning. Ideally, you should start three to five years before retirement—but it’s never too late.
- Your second life is a chance to become the person you’ve always wanted to be.
- Retiring is the easy part. Figuring out what you will do with the rest of your life is the hard part.
- Your healthspan—the number of healthy, active years you’ll live—matters more than your lifespan.
I could go on, but I don’t want to give away all the secrets. The book is well worth reading and even better—it’s free!

Longevity Lifestyle by Design – free download!
Are you ready to be a retirement rebel just like Mike? Visit the Booming Encore site today to download your free copy of the book and companion worksheet.
If you’d rather have a physical book, the paperback is available for purchase on Amazon.
Please share this post with your friends. Mike’s message has the potential to change lives and I’d love to see him achieve his goal of a million downloads.
What do you think would be your biggest adjustment in retirement? Drop me a comment below and join the conversation.
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I got my download! I still have several years, but my life partner should be retiring within the next couple years. Thanks, Michelle! 🌞
You’re welcome. I hope you and your partner find it helpful! Enjoy.
I’m sure we will. I read a few pages on Amazon prior, and it looks to include many great resources. 🌞
Thank you for your post Michelle, perfect timing as my “other half” is officially retired today!! I immediately downloaded the book and work sheets, new ideas and different scenery are all welcomed here! When the student is ready the teacher appears!
Ha ha. Perfect timing indeed! Let me know what you think of the book. I found it to be an easy and interesting read.
Thanks, Michelle, will do!
His statement “retiring is simple, what to do next is hard” is so true. Retired friends use to tell me it’s not all its cracked up to be, I didn’t believe them. It’s been 6 years and I’m still figuring it out.
It’s so true. Many people underestimate the importance of having a plan. Work consumes so much of our time and energy.