Category: Eco Friendly Living

Tips and ideas on living an eco-friendly life.

Beauty & style

8 ways to reduce the environmental impact of hair care

Are you ready to reduce the environmental impact of hair care? Whether you love your hair or hate it, chances are you have a lot of hair products in your bathroom. Hair care is an often-overlooked area where some small changes to our habits can have a positive impact on the environment—not to mention simplifying life and saving money.

Cleaning & laundry

Simple tips for zero-waste laundry

Are you looking for ways to reduce waste on laundry day? Over the last few years, I have made simple swaps to successfully eliminate all single-use plastic from my laundry room. Read on for easy tips for zero-waste laundry days. This post was originally published in 2019 as Zero-waste laundry – Part 1 and Zero-waste […]

Cleaning & laundry

Throwback Thursday – Helpful tips for chemical-free cleaning

Do you ever wonder what’s in the cleaning products you use? It’s not an easy question to answer because cleaning product manufacturers aren’t required to disclose their ingredients. This week on Throwback Thursday, I bring back a post from 2019 about chemical-free cleaning.

Food & drink Shopping

Helpful tips for sustainable and low-waste grocery shopping

Food shopping is an area where we have a big opportunity to reduce our environmental impact. Have you ever done a serious audit of the bags you bring home from the supermarket? Chances are you’ll find a lot of unnecessary single-use packaging.
Today’s post has tips for sustainable and low-waste grocery shopping. As an added bonus, some of these changes might save you a little money.

Holidays & celebrations

How to help the natural world on National Wildlife Day

Sunday is National Wildlife Day—a day set aside to raise awareness of the plight of endangered animals and the importance of conservation and education. To celebrate, today’s post looks at the history of National Wildlife Day and the impact of human activity on the natural world. Plus, learn four ways to celebrate the day and make a difference.

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