A year of monthly waste reduction goals

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A year of monthly waste reduction goals

For many people, the new year is a time to set goals and make plans. Truthfully, there’s nothing magical about turning the calendar page to January 1, but it does give us an opportunity to reflect and think about the path we’re on. If you’ve set a goal to reduce waste and live a greener life, my list of 12 easy monthly waste reduction goals is a great place to start.

This post was originally published in January 2020.

Pinterest image: January 2023 calendar, groceries in a reusable shopping bag, hand holding a steel water bottle.

My waste reduction journey

My waste reduction journey started at the end of 2018 when I received a Christmas gift of hand soap in a glass pump bottle. It wasn’t just any hand soap, though. It was from Molloy’s, a local small business that had opened a few weeks earlier. They sell soap, cleaning supplies, soap-making supplies, and other sustainable products. What made this hand soap special is I learned Molloy’s refills your containers with their product—a concept I hadn’t heard of before.

That simple gift inspired me to think about the role of single-use plastic in my life. So, at the beginning of 2019, I set an objective to reduce the amount of single use plastic in my home. You can read about the progress I made that year in my year-end wrap up post.

Small goals become new habits

If you’re looking to reduce waste, start by setting small goals. Some behavioural experts say it takes 28 days to form a new habit. With that in mind, I’ve created a month-by-month calendar of changes you can make that will have an impact. Most of these are very simple but over the course of a year, they will add up.

Here are my suggestions for monthly waste reduction goals for the year. Click the links for more tips and ideas for each month.

Pinterest image: Table of monthly waste reduction goals

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Start with one small change

Not sure you can commit to 12 changes? No worries! Just pick one that fits with your life. Then, when you feel ready, move on to the next one. Remember, sustainable living is about progress not perfection.

There’s an old saying that every journey starts with a single step. My waste reduction journey is proof of the truth in that saying.  

When I look back now, that simple gift of hand soap inspired so much change in my life. As I found new ways to reduce waste and live a greener life, I started this blog to share my tips with people who were on the same journey.

Ultimately, I have that innocent glass bottle of hand soap to thank for reducing the stress in my life by resetting my focus to one of simpler living and reduced consumption. Every journey does start with a single step!

What steps are you taking to live a more sustainable life? Tell me about your green living or waste reduction goals below.

Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

29 thoughts on “A year of monthly waste reduction goals

  1. Pingback: Mid-year goals report card - Boomer Eco Crusader
  2. Happy New Year, Michelle! This is a great list of goals! I’m going to follow along! Looking at the list I think I’m doing okay in some areas, but definitely room for a lot of improvement!!! Cher xo

I'd love to hear your ideas. Drop me a comment below.

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