Category: Money

Blogmas Money

Regifting rules – When it makes sense and how to do it right!

Ahh. The perfect gift! Is there really any such thing? We’ve all had the experience of receiving a gift that isn’t right for us. When you get a gift that’s far from perfect, you may be tempted to regift it. Today’s post will look at circumstances when regifting makes sense. And, I’ve got five simple regifting rules to make sure you don’t end up in a tricky situation.


7 ways to make home ownership more affordable

Rarely a day goes by that I don’t see a headline about Canada’s housing crisis. Escalating prices, and bidding wars over rental properties, are enough to give anyone a headache. And affordable housing is a concern in other countries as well.

Today, I continue my Financial Literacy Month series by bringing some perspective to our housing situation. Plus, I’ve got 7 ways to make home ownership more affordable.


Is the FIRE movement a smart money strategy or an unrealistic dream?

November is Financial Literacy Month in Canada. For the rest of the month, I’ll dedicate my Wednesday posts to money issues.

Today, to kick things off, I’m looking at the FIRE movement. If you’re not familiar with FIRE, it stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. It’s a popular movement, but is it a smart money strategy or a dream that’s beyond the reach of the masses?

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