Easy window cleaning – with no chemicals!

Window cleaning with no chemicals
Cleaning & laundry3 Comments on Easy window cleaning – with no chemicals!

Easy window cleaning – with no chemicals!

We all love sparkly clean windows and mirrors! Let’s face it though…getting glass clean without leaving streaks is a challenge. And easy window cleaning with no chemicals sounds like the impossible dream!

Note: This is NOT a paid endorsement of any of these products.

At a Norwex demonstration I attended a few years ago, the consultant told us we could easily clean glass with just water using an EnviroCloth and window cloth. I didn’t believe her so when she asked for a volunteer to help with her demonstration, I was all in.

Window cleaning cloths

The consultant smeared two blotches of grease on a mirror and handed me a bottle of window cleaner – you know the bright blue kind that’s full of chemicals – and a roll of paper towel.

I sprayed the window cleaner on the grease and started to wipe it with the paper towel. All this did was spread the grease around making an even bigger mess. Meanwhile, the consultant used a Norwex EnviroCloth moistened with water to clean off the grease. A couple of minutes later, I still had an icky mess and the consultant was using her Norwex window cloth to polish up the mirror.

I was sold! I bought some Norwex EnviroCloths and window cloths and have never looked back. Using them to clean glass saves time and money. It’s also better for the environment than commercial window cleaners – not to mention reducing exposure to chemicals.

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Now, my husband is very old school and still insists on buying glass cleaner to clean the outside windows. I’ll keep working on him.  I’ll stick with my easy window cleaning solution with no chemicals!

What eco-friendly changes have you made that save money? Tell us about them below.

Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

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